Chapter 4

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The next day Taemin woke up first. First he was confused because the room wasn't his, but as soon as he felt Chaewon breathing calmly in his chest, he remembered. The sun fought her way through the blinds and let Chaewons pale, clear skin shine.

Taemin was enthralled by her beauty. The white scars on her face seemed to glow up in the sun and not for the first time he asked himself where she got them from.

His fingers gingerly touched one of them; careful not to wake her up. The skin under his fingers was rough where the scar was. A little smile found its way on his face as he continued to trace her scars.

In Taemins thoughts, Chaewon was the most beautiful person he ever met and he almost was glad that she got expelled from her school (okay, maybe he was. A little bit).

Suddenly he felt eyes on him and looked at Chaewon. She had woken up and the grey eyes of hers met his dark ones. Taemin smiled. 'Hey', he mouthed, still not able to sign since her hand laid on his and he didn't want to end the touch.

Chaewon lifted one hand to his hair and stroked through it; she made it messier than it already was. She giggled, Taemin could feel the vibrations on his chest. Now he wished he could hear. He wanted to hear her laugh, her voice.

Her hand on his cheek snapped him out of his thoughts again. She shook her head. Did she knew what he was thinking? Taemin didn't know.


They continued to lay like this until Jinki came in. Good morning cuties. Taemin, I'm sorry but you have to go soon, I need Chaewon's help with something, Jinki signed with a warm smile.

Both of them were in shock, neither of them knew Jinki knew sign language. But eventually both nodded, so Jinki left again.

Taemin sat up, Chaewons head fell on his lap. Oh- sorry.

Chaewon just smiled, looking up to him. It's okay, Taeminie, she signed to him while sitting up. Then I'll go.. see you on Monday in school? Chaewon nodded, definitely not happy that he had to leave, neither was Taemin.


Some time later, Taemin was gone and she went downstairs to Jinki. "With what do you need my help, Jinki?", she asked. "We have to pick up a friend of mine, he is a little.. in trouble"

Chaewon tilted her head. "And why do you need my help?", she asked interested. "You're good with disabled people, Chaewon"

This confused her more, until it clicked in her head. "Your friend is disabled?", she asked worried, Jinki nodded. "Yes, he's blind. Him and his best friend had a fight and he asked to stay with me -us- for a while. You have experience with severe disabled people, Soyeon told me, last but definitely not least Taemin, that's why I need your help. I still don't really know how to behave around someone disabled. I'm very clumsy", he confessed, being a bit embarrassed.

Chaewon smiled mildly. "That's okay. What's his name?" Jinki looked up in surprise. "Jonghyun", he then told her with a light smile. A painful expression shadowed her face, but the next second it was gone. "Perfect, then let's go!"

They drove for half an hour since Jonghyun and his best friend lived on the other side of the city, at first they didn't talk but then Jinki asked Chaewon about what happened the past night. She smiled bitterly when she answered. "My depression happened. But you don't have to worry anymore, now I have Taemin"

Jinki smiled as he stopped the car. "It's nice to hear that you finally found someone you can fully trust" Chaewon saw something sad in his eyes and combined quickly. "Talk to them", she said. "Whatever happened, talk to them. Love is like a flower, if you don't give it water for a short time, it won't die right away. Even if it's just friendship love"

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