Chapter 5

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I am so sorry that this comes so late, but I got distracted by school, books and Yoongis new album.

Stream D-Day <3

Enjoy :)

Stay safe,


Practically, nothing had changed. She split the time she spent with either her brother or Taemin in half, and when she wasn't with Jonghyun, Jinki took good care of her brother.

One day, she went out for a nightwalk, alone, just like the day she arrived. The onlynly difference was that now it already has been three months since her arrival. And this time she paid attention to where she was going, when she saw some older men harassing a younger.

Anger filled her eyes as she got a déjà-vu from years ago, but she stayed quiet and approached them without a noise. The five rowdies circled the black haired boy on the ground, and when she realised who it was they were harassing, she couldn't hold back anymore.

She sprinted the last distance and placed a fine punch on the jaw of one of them, it cracked and he fell on the ground, next to Taemin, who looked absolutely terrified and panicked. He was crying and just slightly realised that someone was fighting to save him. For him, it looked like an angel was protecting him. Once again.

Chaewon was an excellent fighter, she knocked all of them down in less than a few minutes. She had blood on her hands, but it wasn't hers since it was red.

She kneeled down to Taemin and took his hands to show him that she was there, her gaze examined him for possible injuries. She didn't found any, so she just concentrated on only him. Taemin still didn't look up and panicked even more as he saw the blood on her hands. He wanted to run away, but his legs wouldn't move. Tears were flowing down his cheeks, he wanted to scream.

Chaewon had no other choice than laying her hands on his cheeks and making him look at her. Taemins eyes immediately widened and he threw himself into her arms. Chaewon held him tightly, not letting him see the knocked down guys behind her.

Taemin looked up to her as he finally calmed down after a while. You saved me, he signed. Chaewon smiled lightly and nodded. Taemins gaze spotted the blood on her hands. It's not my blood, don't worry. I'm not hurt. Did they hurt you?, she immediately reassured him.

Taemin shook his head; Chaewon was relieved. Good. Are you okay?, she then wanted to know. You're here, Taemin just answered, which firstly confused her, but she then eventually got it and couldn't hide a small smile.

I'm glad I came on time, she signed, anger mirroring in her eyes. Please wait a moment, Taemin, and close your eyes. I don't want you to see the chaos I caused.

Taemin trusted her that unconditionally and entirely to give up on his most important sense. He did as she said, and she stood up to walk to the one who already got up again. She was furious and she looked absolutely dangerous right now.

"You asshole", she hissed and kicked him in the back of his knees, so he fell back on the floor. "How low of you, to harass someone who can't hear or even call for help"

The guy grinned. "So it's really you, Chaewon, the broken angel. And you're still fighting for the weak ones" His eyes turned red. Chaewon reacted immediately; she held a knife to his neck the same second. "A human knife doesn't change anything, sweetheart"

Chaewon smiled sadistically. "Who said it was a human knife?" The knife changed its shape, growing to a short sword with a curved blade, making him blood immediately. The demons eyes widened. "Shi", he realised. Shi, Japanese for death.

These swords were feared by every immortal creature, not at least the reason why Chaewon was here on earth. These swords were the only thing that could hurt or even kill an immortal creature; it parted the soul and body and destroyed both equally. No chance of reincarnation or a soul taking over another body.

"A slow death", she grinned sadistically. "That's what you get"

Then her sword whizzed down.

Chaewon enjoyed every scream of the demon, until she relieved his head from his body with one clear straw of her blade. The demons screams were silenced as he fell to ashes before the body could hit the ground.

The other four found an even quicker death, and the demons turned into dust (nevertheless she was covered in blood), as well as Shi turned back into the pocket knife and she turned back to Taemin.

Luckily she hadn't had wore her jacket so she could now cover her bloody hoodie. She kneeled back down to Taemin and carefully laid her hands on his, signalling him that he could let them down now.

He looked at her, then behind her. But there was nobody, he didn't noticed the blood on the ground. Where are they?, he signed. A sinister smile played around Chaewon's lips. They won't bother you anymore, they're dust now.

What?? How are they dust?? They're dead?! You killed them?, Taemin wanted to know with shock in his eyes, shivering. I'll explain it to you when we're at my house, okay?, she signed, hoping she wouldn't lose him. Taemin nodded shortly.

Chaewon stoop up again and helped him up, walking him to her home safely. As soon as she closed the front door behind them, Jinki approached them. "Thank god, you're finally home! Jonghyun's going insane with worry! What in the world happened?!"

He saw the blood on her whole body, and Taemin who was looking like he cried (probably because he did). "Taemin got harassed by demons and I killed them" "YOU DID WHAT?" It was Jonghyun who stood in the doorframe to the living room.

Taemin was utterly confused, so Chaewon quickly signed to him. The guy there is Jonghyun, my brother. Wait a moment, I have to clear this. If you want, you can go to my room, Taeminie.

She was so concentrated on signing to Taemin, that she didn't noticed Jonghyun saying something to her, but Taemin did. He said something to you.. but I'll stay here, he quickly signed back.

"Sorry Jonghyun, I was focused on Taemin, could you repeat what you were saying please?", Chaewon asked him, Jonghyun froze. "There's someone else?" "Yes. He's a friend of mine, and I tutor him at the school here", She quickly explained.

"He is also the reason why I killed the demons. A few minutes later and they could've killed him", she frowned at the thought and her voice trembled a little. Jonghyun calmed down at her words.

"Taemin?", he then asked, his eyes searching in the air. Chaewon sighed. "Taemin is deaf-mute" At the same time she signed to Taemin: Jonghyun is blind. Both eyes widen simultaneously at the realisation, a view which made Chaewon laugh.

"And if you excuse us now, Jjongie, I'll have some things to explain to Taemin" Jonghyun nodded, Chaewon turned to Taemin. Come. He nodded and followed her to her room.

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