𝟏𝟎: 𝐔𝐥𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐧

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Tonight the Avengers were throwing a small party to celebrate their recent victories. Cassie was up in her level getting ready when she heard the elevator buzz. She removed herself from her mirror and quickly made her way over to answer it. When it opened she saw Natasha in her dress all ready to go.

"You ready?" She asked Cassie as the two made their way into Cassie's new home.

"Uhh yeah, let me just put my shoes on." Cassie said as she quickly made her way to her room to put her heels on.

She then grabbed her perfume and simply did a couple sprays. She placed it back down and quickly made her way out to where Natasha awaited.

"You clean up nice." Natasha said with a smile as the two girls made their way over to the elevator.

"Well, I barely get to dress up. I'm always stuck in some sort of fighting suit." Cassie said with a small sigh as she tucked a piece of loose hair behind her ear.

"Steve is going to fall in love tonight." Nat said with a smile, getting Cassie to blush. "Where are the two of you in your relationship by the way?" She asked as the elevator closed and started going down.

"Well we've been on multiple dates but none of us has pulled a move yet." Cassie said as Nat furrowed her eyebrows.

"If anyone I thought it would be you who would've pulled a move by now." Natasha said as the elevator came to a stop.

"Yeah well with Steve things are different, I don't want to rush anything." Cassie said as the doors to the elevator came open. "You look good tonight as well Nat." She said as Natasha simply sent her a nod and the two made their way off the elevator.

When they stepped out they came upon a party in full effect. Cassie sent smiles to everyone as she stopped and greeted some. From across the room Steve and Sam were playing pool. Sam got a glance at Cassie who was overlooking the bottom level. Sam quickly took notice of her and quickly elbowed Steve to get his attention. Steve quickly averted his attention where Sam had his and his eyes landed on her. He was completely mesmerized by her beauty. He had frozen like a deer in headlights.

Soon it was as if Cassie could feel his eyes on her. She looked towards him and Sam and saw how Steve was looking at her. She couldn't help but smile and make her way down the stairs and over to him. Yet before she could reach him Thor and Tony caught her attention.

"Cas." Thor said as Cassie made her way over to them. "Tony and I were just speaking about you." He added as Cassie raised her eyebrows.

"Good things I hope." Cassie said as she reached the bar and took a drink in hand.

"It's always good when I'm speaking." Tony said as Cassie took a sip of her drink.

"Oh please, everything you say is to simply make yourself look good." She said getting them all to share a laugh.

"So, no Pepper? She's not coming?" Maria Hill asked as she joined the three.

"No." Tony simply said getting Cassie to wince a bit.

"Ouch. That was a slow burn." Cassie said with a small smirk on her face as she made fun of her friend.

"What about Jane?" Maria asked, getting Cassie to widen her eyes as she looked over at Thor.

"She went for the jugular." Cassie said, getting them all to chuckle.

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