I handed Ponyboy my Pepsi. I noticed him staring at it for a while, and I wasn't too thirsty anyway.

"This weekend we're having a rumble with the socs man. To end all this. We even got a spy."

"A spy?" I inquired.

"Yeah, that uh... that redhead girl I tried to pick up at the drive in. What's her name?"

"Cherri Valance!" Pony exclaimed.

"Yeah. She drove up to the lot the other day in her fancy red corvette and offered to spy for us. She told us she testified that Johnny killed that soc in self-defense."

"We're gonna go back and turn ourselves in."


Dally looked at Johnny. "-What?"

"I said we're gonna turn ourselves in. I have a good chance of being let off easy, it was self defense. Y/n and Pony can testify to that. And I don't wanna be stuck in that old church for the rest of my life."

"..." Dally didn't say anything. He was pensive, thinking. This is the longest amount of time I've ever seen Dallas Winston think about anything. He was always reckless.

"I'm guessing my folks weren't worried about me?"

"The boys were worried. Did you know Two-bit was gonna go to Texas to look for you?"

"I asked if my parents asked about me."

"No, they didn't. Do you think my dad cares about me? He doesn't care if I'm in a car accident or dead in a ditch somewhere. Do you think I care?"

The car ride back to Jay Mountain was quieter.

"I just don't want you to go through what I did man. You don't know what a couple months in jail can do to you Johnny."

We came back to the church with the smell of smoke and people crowded around it.

Holy shit. The church was on fire.

"Johnny, I told you to watch your smokes!" Ponyboy said.

"Come on guys, lets just get-"


An adult woman turned to a man with worry on her face. That's when I heard it. The screaming coming from inside the church.

I'm pretty sure Ponyboy heard it to, cuz he went flying out of the car and running towards the church.

I followed him.

"Pony! Y/n! Get back here!" Dallas yelled after us. But I didn't care. We broke our way into the church through a window, and then Johnny met up with us.

"Hey Johnny is that other guy comin?"


"Too scared?"

"Nah he's too fat man."

"Is there anybody in here?" I yelled.

I was met with screams and cries of children. We went further into the church to find them.

We found a bunch of little kids in a corner, huddled together.

"Hey! We're gonna get you out of here okay?"

Ponyboy grabbed a big rock to break through a window, and I picked up a kid and handed her to Ponyboy, who promptly bit him.


Ponyboy placed her out the window where she ran back to the crowd.

Dallas showed up at the window. "WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING IN THERE GET OUT!"

Johnny just responded by shoving a kid into his arms.

"Guys! Take these kids give em to Dallas!"

As we were passing kids through the fire, Johnny had a giant grin plastered on his face. It was the most I've ever seen him smile at once.

As Ponyboy got the last kid out the window, Dallas yelled.


I looked up. A piece of a roof started to fall down, headed right for Johnny.

"Johnny look out!" I leaped for him to push him out of the way.

And the roof came falling.

(Hey y'all! I have returned with a new chapter! Don't worry this definitely isn't the last chapter. There's so much more I want to do. New chapter coming soon! Author out! -Bunny <3)

1107 words

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