Chapter - 39

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Orson 🌙

"It hurts it hurts it hurts..." Alex fell and clutched his head harder. My mate rushed to him but he passed out. I didn't waste a minute and took him in my arms, rushing to the infirmary. Within the spam of minutes millions of thoughts blanketed my mind. Even though I was extremely happy that Alex is alive, I was concerned about Willow's appearance here. I didn't know what she was doing here in my mate's pack. How did she even find him? If she did find him, does Azazel know?

If he did, and it is possible he knew my mate too. The possibility of the one I was trying to protect her from knowing about her didn't sit well with me. Was all I did was useless? Before I could spiral down on more thoughts, we arrived and Ethan was standing outside the building. As soon as I placed Alex on the stretcher two nurses rolled him in. 

"He'll be fine Alpha he's your brother after all." Evelyn grimaced and nodded at him. Ethan followed the nurses and we followed him. She didn't meet my eyes after that. I didn't know what she was thinking but from what she was feeling, I could tell that she was pretty anxious. I had a thousand question for her but then her whole family walked in. 

She told her father everything that went down, except that he was my brother. I could tell that she was confused and I didn't blame her. I stared at the closed door and waited for Ethan to come out and say that Alex is alright. And he did. Evelyn's family rushed in and all of them were worried. I stopped by the door, suddenly too nervous to get  near him.

What will I say if he asked me where I was all these years? What if he asked me why I never looked for him? How could I tell him that I didn't knew he was alive? What kind of a brother that would make me?

"You have to talk to him." my mate's soft voice brought me back to reality. A reality I didn't know existed. The guilt wrapped around my throat and choked me. I couldn't even look at her. Every single pain I put her through, every one of them was for no fucking reason. The misery she was forced to face, they were all useless. I failed as a brother and a mate. 

"You can talk to me." she said, a look of reassurance in her face.

I tried to swallow the lump that seemed to grow larger in my throat. But looking at the warmth in her eyes only made me even more guilty. I opened and closed my mouth not knowing what to say. "Tell her who we are. Tell her everything." Renzo said. I took his advice without hesitation. 

"Orson." I said. Not expecting that, my mate froze. "...What?" she mumbled. "My name. It's Orson." I said a little louder. My mate just stared at me for a few seconds before mouthing my name. I wished she said it out loud. A smile bloomed on her face, "Thanks for finally letting me know." she said.

I opened my mouth to tell her my whole story and then Alex called her. Alex was looking at me, his piercing blue gaze filled with caution. He looked more mature now somehow. It took everything in me to not run to him and hug him tight. I missed him so much. 

"Are you really my brother?" Alex's asked.

Not the question I was expecting. I know he was just  a child when we 'got separated', but I recognized him at first sight. So why didn't he? I came to conclusion that he was mad at me. "I am" I spoke with all certainty I could muster up. He sat up, his eyes narrowed at me, " Why should I believe you?"

Even though I could understand his anger, it frustrated me. "Alex do you not remember me? Not even my scent?" The quiet room went deadly silent when I asked that. Evelyn placed a hand on my shoulder, "Alex doesn't remember anything that happened before he was four." That felt like a slap to my face.

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