Chapter - 32

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Happy reading 🌻

Evelyn 🌕

              I was aware of everything happening around me.

Doesn't seem like something to be worried about but the problem is I was hyper aware of everything happening around me. My eye sight was too keen and sharp I couldn't actually see something without hurting my eyes. It was like staring straight at the brightest light source . My hearing is so heightened that it felt like someone got inside my skull and was banging against it. I knew someone was yelling and I had a clue that it was Josh. 

The last thing I remember seeing is my third-in-command rush to me and the last thing I heard was my mate telling me to wake up. I was still there but not really. Everything seemed to be burning, my arms, legs, head, eyes and don't even get me started on my lungs. I was pretty sure that I was breathing in fire instead of air and soon enough smoke would emerge from every single part of my body. 

Everywhere except where my mate touched. That's when I knew that I'm so screwed. 

Heats only come when a wolf has found their mate. It is like a catalyst to speed up the breeding process. There is no saying when one's heat comes. Some even get theirs after months but with my luck, I just had to cross the first month. And my mate wants to leave me. The timing!

I don't know what hurts the most, my heart or my body. 

I heard my mate and Josh arguing about how to get me home. Josh had pulled me out of his embrace and I lost it. I said it felt as if I was breathing fire. I was wrong obviously. Imagine standing on the Sun while being fed liquid lava. I'm sure it would kill anyone and that's how I was feeling.

Breathing fire looked more appealing right about now.

"You don't fucking touch her!" Josh yelled. I knew he meant well but I'm about to die and my mate seemed to be the only one, who could make the pain go away. 

I didn't know I was crying until Josh wiped those tears away. "Somebody give me some water" he shouted. I couldn't tell if I had my eyes open or not. The world seemed to move far too quick for my brain to register anything. I guess someone gave him the water because he kept splashing it on my face. Despite him doing that, I passed out. 

When I woke up, the pain was still there and still the same but I was in the backseat of a car with J wiping my sweat away. They might've called an Uber or something. I realized that I could see now. It was a little blurry, but I could see. J looked like he was in pain with his mouth pressed close. For a moment I thought he wasn't breathing and turned out he really wasn't. 

I tried to scoot away from him because I knew how bad my scent must be affecting him. No matter what, a she-wolf's arousal scent drives the males nuts. "It's okay" he said through strained voice and dabbed a kerchief on my forehead. I yet again tried to get away from him but my body felt too weak to function on my own. I clutched his shirt tight as another wave washed over me. "It hurts" I whimpered. My tears started to soak his shirt but he kept mumbling that 'It's going to be alright'. I believed him.

From the front passenger seat my mate spoke, "Let me hold her. It'll help" he said. Josh growled loud. It wasn't a smart move. What would the driver think? At that moment I didn't care either. Even hearing his voice was a reminder of the pain he had caused. This is either his guilt or his empathy talking and that hurt more than this stupid heat. 

"You know I can help her Josh, please let me" my mate sounded like he was almost begging. J was silent, contemplating whether to let him or not. I grasped his shirt once more and closed my eyes. I was out of words to describe that pain. The situation sank on J and he knew my mate was right. He is my only medication.

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