Chapter - 12

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Evelyn 🌕

     I was absolutely shattered inside. Realization hit me like a bag full of brick stone right in the face. He knew. He knew all along that he's my mate. He said it himself that he is 21. What hurts more is the fact that he decided to run away from me the first chance he got. Everything made a lot of sense now. The weird pull and the urge to make sure nothing happens to him, but now I have some bigger problem. He doesn't want me. At least that's what the image I got from recent events. Did I do something wrong? Was it because I held him as a prisoner? Did he think I was the reason he was starved? Worst, did he love someone else?

I shuddered at the thought not wanting to think of the possibilities. I always have dreamed about how I'd meet my mate. But never in once have I thought of this situation. This is a new level of pain, much worse than any other I've ever felt in my life. Sylvie refused to stop whining and whimpering. I couldn't blame her. After all she is hurt more than I am. Maybe he was just trying to escape the prison? That could be it. I mean, he didn't say the official rejection. Not that would have any effect as I'm the Alpha. To reject an Alpha wolf, the rejection must be done in a full moon day when the moon is at it's peak with so many other rituals as well. I shook my head, not wanting my mind to go on that specific path.

These thoughts were enough for me to block out anything my dad and J was saying right in front of me. All I could do was stare off into the distance, wishing that I was with him instead. He was in the infirmary, getting checked by Ethan for any injuries and there is nothing I won't give to be there. I even considered running to him leaving these two here but for the first time in a very long time I was scared. I was scared of his reaction. Scared that I'll walk right into the hands of my worst nightmare. "Will you stop crying?" I jumped at my dad's sudden outburst. I didn't even realise that I was indeed crying until my hand touched my wet cheek, wiping away the tears. I refused to talk, the physical pain that laid like an invisible 100 ton stone on my chest was suffocating enough. 

There were times where I wondered what it felt like to be human. Without having someone bounded to me by fate. Not reeling about packs, making allies, shifting into a massive animal now and then, loosing control to that animal at times, hunting, killing. What it felt like being...normal? There were times where I wondered what it felt like to be human. But now, I desperately wished that I was one. We magical creatures have a cursed life. We have powers, magic flowing through us only to have our life at stake in one way or other.

After trying so very long and hard to get my attention and failing, my dad and J left. Someone would come to check upon me once in a few minutes just to know that I haven't moved an inch and still crying. At this point I didn't even know what I was crying about. I have faced so many in my 18 years of life, but rejection was not one of them. And to have fate cruelly have me hand it from my mate brought a piercing pain through my heart. The pain was clouding my every other thought. I know I shouldn't yield into the abyss of heart break. I'm the Alpha for fuck's sake and there is things I should be concentrating about like how the fuck did the prisoners escape? I stood up abruptly at the same time the door opened, my mom's head poking inside. 

"I was worried" she said taking a step inside. I sighed wiping any more trace of tears in my face. "Ethan is here" and that caught my attention instantly. I was in front of her the next second, my hands wrapped around her shoulder shaking her violently, "Is he safe? Is he alright? Is he hurt? I swear to God if anyone had hurt hi-" I was cut off by my mom pulling me to her, hugging me. I froze for a moment before sinking in her warmth. "How are you Evie?" I couldn't help but notice the worry evident in her tone. "Awful" I mumbled against her shoulder. "I figured" she replied in a small whisper. "Don't listen to anything your father says right now, he is just...mad"  I pulled back from her smiling a little," I didn't hear a single thing he said so..." My mom chuckled a little patting my cheek. "Everything will be fine" She once again pulled me into a quick hug.

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