Chapter - 8

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^Picture : 'Renzo's' tattoo

Happy reading 🌻✨🌻

Evelyn 🌕

"You've got to be kidding me!?!" I was yelling... Once again. But this time, I was shouting at my father. Which only happens in a VERY rare occasion. To be honest, I am extremely tired from all this shit happening. These past days have been hell for me. I am so stressed than I've ever been in my whole life. I have just a day more to take over as an alpha. It's already a big weight on my shoulder. I know, I have been trained and taught everything I need to know to lead a pack, but the fact that hundreds of my people are looking up to me isn't making this easy at all.

Even though they doesn't expect me to do so, I feel the need to prove them that I am worth the title. That I am worthy enough to be their alpha. I know that I have 'nothing to prove' yada yada...It's just- I want no one to say that I'm right here just because of my father. I don't want to be an alpha just because my mom and dad was one. I want to be an alpha because I earned it. Not everyone's gonna like you. No matter how hard you try someone is going to be out there to criticize and judge your every single move. And I'm ready to do anything to minimize those chances. But it's really hard.

And now, here my dad says that I have to make my sister as my Beta. How ridiculous is that? Can't he see that we don't get along? Not even with his wolf vision?

"Evelyn, this is for the best. You have to understand where I'm coming from."

"No dad, YOU have to understand that this is not gonna happen!"

Our voices were overlapping each other's as we both tried to make our point clear to the other. At this point we were both shouting so loud that it wouldn't be a surprise if the whole pack house heard us. It felt so odd to fight with my dad. We always talked about things like adults. Not like 5-year-olds fighting over candy like we are doing now.

My dad's whole office was a mess. Papers scattered everywhere, the chairs we were sitting was now laying on the ground. It was chaotic. Just when my dad was about to punch his desk the door burst open. We both snapped our heads at the sound to see one fuming Stella Shyne.


My mom looked between me and my father. Lastly her eye laid on the hand that my father had raised to hit the desk and stopped mid-air. My mom got even more mad if that was even possible. "If that hand of yours had hit the desk that I gifted you I would have broke it without a second thought" my mom seethed at my dad. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. I gulped hard when her glare turned towards me.

I don't get it. I can take down an experienced warrior werewolf or a 600 year old vampire without any worries but a simple glare from my mom scares the living daylights out of me... Like wUT?!

My mom took some dangerously long strides and stood in front of me. I had to take a few steps back from the rage emitting off her. "YOU!" she pointed her long finger straight in front of my face. "YOU WILL NOT RAISE YOUR VOICE AT YOUR FATHER EVER AGAIN. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?"

I knew this isn't the time for argument. Besides, she was right. I shouldn't have raised my voice at him. I could blame it on him or Sylvie even, but I know it was utterly me. I was mad at him so I yelled. It was wrong. My dad didn't deserve it.

"Yes ma'am" I nodded and looked at the ground. My mom did a 180° turn and faced my dad once more. "And, YOU CARLOS! WHAT KIND OF FATHER LOSES HIS SHIT IN FRONT OF HIS FUCKING DAUGHTER?"

My mom continued to scold us about 'our childish act' with too many 'fucks' and 'shits' when my dad and I just stood there. My mom doesn't cares who she is talking to, if she wanna swear then she is gonna fucking swear. And I took her path gracefully. Unlike my dad. As much my dad gets mad, he barely swears.

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