Chapter - 27

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Happy reading 🌻

Third Person's POV

"Evelyn?" The raven haired woman asked. Evelyn was confused on so many levels. She hadn't a single clue who that woman was, neither how she got inside the pack nor how she knew her.

"Who are you?" Evelyn crossed her arms over her chest and stood to her full height, her alpha aura out on full force. "Ooohhh strong aura. Almost makes me wanna submit" The latter chuckled as she walked closer to Evelyn. The younger snarled showing her extended canines, a warning to stop moving.

The woman looked Evelyn up and down, "Hmm he was right. You are sexy". The younger felt her blood boil with anger just looking at the woman. "Who. Are. You?" Her voice was strained as she fought her wolf from taking over. The woman smirked as she flipper her black hair away from her shoulders. Without any warning, the raven head's hand flew aiming for Evelyn's face.

The younger saw the balled up fist barely miss her face as she dodged at the last moment. Both didn't wait anymore as they launched at each other. Evelyn reached for the other's throat but the raven head ducked under her arm and lifted her leg to kick Evelyn's back. The silver haired girl caught that leg and pulled it making the older to fall. Evelyn straddled the woman and threw punch after punch. Her knuckles turned bloody just as the other's face.

The older woman ducked the last punch Evelyn threw and flipped them both and started to throw punches of her own. Evelyn missed the first two but the third blow hit her hard on the face. She could already feel a bruise forming on her cheek. When the raven head was about to throw the fourth punch, Evelyn raised both her legs and chained it around the latter's neck tossed them back. The next moment, the younger strangled the back of the woman's throat and pushed it down before lifting it up and slamming her face hard on the ground over and over again.

Blood oozed out of the older's mouth and forehead. Evelyn did the mistake of grabbing her shirt collar and dragging her to stand up. In an instant, the woman landed a heavy punch on the younger's stomach making Evelyn double over. She grabbed the silver head's wrist and twisted it behind her back painfully but Evelyn refused to show any sort of weakness. Her wrist was on fire that she was almost sure that it was broken.

Evelyn brought her free hand up and clutched the woman's hair and slammed her body on the ground. A groan left the woman at the force and pain. Evelyn stopped for a second to catch her breath and that was enough for the other as she too stood up, balling up her fists and brought it up to her face in a defensive position. A mischievous glint shined in her blue orbs.

Heavy pants left their mouths as they started to circle each other like a prey. The woman growled showing her canines and Evelyn's eyes glowed violet. As soon as the woman saw the change of the younger's eyes color, she let her hands fall to her sides and looked at her with slightly widened eyes. A quiet laugh left her as she wiped the blood off her face.

"You're good. I approve you" she said, rubbing her jaw. "Hurts like a bitch" she mumbled and spat saliva mixed with blood, wincing at the pain.

Evelyn's claws extended itching to dug it into to her throat. "Who the fuck do you think you are to approve me?" her strained voice was lased with venom. "Willow" the woman said and stretched her hand for a shake. Evelyn looked at her hand and back up at her with a glare. The latter shrugged, "I had fun" she smirked before jumping up and phasing in mid air. Evelyn watched as the black wolf run until it disappeared.

She immediately informed the pack about the wolf through the link hoping they'd get her. She heard the she wolf howl for a few long seconds. Her father informed her that the rogue wolves were leaving as soon as they heard a howl. She concluded that this woman used those rogues as a distraction but for what? A rustling from behind instantly had her on edge. When she felt movement behind her, Evelyn didn't wait a second before throwing a punch. The shorter woman ducked down with a high pitched yell.

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