Chapter - 17

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Alex 🖤

Life is crazy. The one thing about life that excites me and scares me at the same time is, we never know what's next. It's always like walking on all sort of possibilities blindfolded. I never thought Evie would end up with a mate like him. I didn't get a chance to meet him yet because dad basically restricted me from going anywhere near him. I felt really sorry for her. She is the most sweetest person that I've ever known. She might seem unapproachable and rude from outside and sometimes she is, but when you actually get to know her she is simply awesome.

I've never seen her cry. But when I saw how exhausted and broken she looked earlier made my heart clench painfully. I wanted to check up on her so bad but I didn't. She'd probably feel like I'm pitying her and I understand. If I were her, I would to. I knew Josh would be there for her and it slightly made me feel better. Dad was planning on sending me to the Quarter Moon Pack for some time. He said that it'd be safe than here. I wanted to say no. I did not like being a burden to someone but I didn't had any other choice.

Evie would be mad if she knew. I couldn't choose between dad and Evie. They were both important to me. I wanted to stay for Evie but when my mom said that Dad's right, I couldn't not agree. Mom said that she'll convince Evie. I still didn't like the idea of leaving home and was quite upset about it, so that's why I decided to go for a walk. I didn't know where I was going. I just let my feet take me wherever it wanted to. Soon enough I was near the border line of our pack. I could see our pack flag flying from few meters. I was about to turn around when some movement from the neutral zone caught my attention.

I quickly hid behind a tree and peeked a little to see what it was. Surprisingly there weren't many guards near this area and it kinda felt odd. There are always guards around the border line especially near the neutral zone and there was none today. It was hard to clearly see what was going on so I quietly climbed on a tree and sat on it's branch. Evie said that I was improving in hiding my scent and could only smell me when I'm close enough. So I concentrated on hiding my scent for as long as possible.

Now that I was on a higher level from the ground, I could clearly see some wolves roaming around the neutral zone. To be specific, rogue wolves. There weren't, many just 3. I thought they were probably searching for some food at first but when I saw that one wolf was dragging a man, I stiffened. I climbed down and moved a little more closer to see who they were dragging and when I sensed a familiar scent my whole body shuddered. I was too close to the border line after a few more steps. One more, and I'd be standing in the neutral zone.

I had to make sure that it was who I think it is before sending message to the pack heads. For safety, I swiftly shifted into my black wolf, lifted my muzzle and sniffed the air. Blood boiled when I smelled the pine smell mixed with blood hit my nose like a bag of bricks. The scent was Louis', one of our guards and my friend. I was too shocked to realize that I was actually growling but when I did it was already too late. The wolves noticed me and was snarling at my direction. I only saw red when one of those filthy dog stomped on my dead friend. I stood to my full height letting my Alpha aura out on full force. The small one of them instantly bowed but the other two stood their ground and continued to challenge me.

I let a threatening growl once, trying to get them to submit but it seemed like it provoked the largest of those wolves who ran full force and attacked me. The other quickly joined it's leader when the smallest one ran away. I knew I could easily beat them both. The big wolf and me were clawing at each other but the other wolf was scratching my back. I used my hind legs to kick it away. The said wolf collided with a tree and fell unconscious instantly. Once he was not on my back, I clawed the leader wolf right in his eye making it let a painful howl. I used that little gap to send our pack the message.

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