Chapter - 10

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Happy reading 🌻

Evelyn 🌕

Life is hard. And I learnt it the hard way. But right now, life is being cruel to me. Any other normal teenage werewolf's problem would be finding their mate, what college to go, sexual preferences. But not me, oh no. I have to worry about breaking my best friends heart and trust, my alpha ceremony, I haven't heard anything from Carissa so I don't know who that trespasser was sent by or where she is, my mystery prisoner, Edith as my beta. Like I don't have enough on my plate already, that dickhead Azazel decided to pop out of nowhere and stuff one more problem in my plate just by asking a simple fucking question. 'Is it now?'

'iS It NoW?'

What did he know about Alex? Who is he? Even if he did know him, why didn't he say anything? Why do people like him do this 'being mysterious' shit? If you know something say it to THEIR FACES! What the fuck do they get by doing that? I don't want to sit here ripping my hair out trying to solve your stupid riddle. I got other way more important things to do. I don't know what Goddess wants from me. Am I doing something wrong? Is that why she is keep on giving me some trouble to solve?

I sighed hugging my knees close to my chest, the night breeze kissing and caressing my warm skin as the only company in this lonely hours of darkness. No moon day usually makes any werewolf a little weak but I'm exhausted today. Physically- no. Mentally-absolute fuckingly yes. The garden was peaceful with crickets chirping and an owl hooting occasionally in the distance. I wish my mind was just as peaceful. In a few hours it'd be midnight which means my birthday. All the excitement I've been feeling were flushed down the drain that now I'm terrified. Terrified of the responsibilities that's about to climb up my shoulders. Terrified of what else the Goddess has in store for me.

Every alpha has their own fight, whether it be a war with other packs, riots within their own pack one way or other an Alpha is put to a test by the Goddess. And I'm a thousand percent sure that I'm going to be put in one as well. It's not the fight I'm scared about. All my life I've been fighting. Rogues, enemies, back stabbers, sexists you name it. There wouldn't be a problem that'd be new to me anymore. The thought that never fails to not leave me is, 'how many more fights until I find peace?'

The little time I was enjoying by myself vanished the moment I smelled Keagan. "What does he wants now?" Sylvie groaned.

"One way to find out"

She grumbled something incoherent and blocked me out.

Looks like I'm not the only one who doesn't wants to see him.

"What are you doing here at this time? Shouldn't you be sleeping? Tomorrow is your big day" I strained my neck to look at his face which was stretched in a wide grin. "What do you want Keagan?" I stood up, crossing my arms over my chest, unimpressed. "Me? Nothing. I was just walking around and followed your scent here." The more he acted normal the more it fueled my anger. "I'm not your second chance, am I?" His eyes widened as he gaped at me, but it soon disappeared as he forced out a laugh. "Err... I mean... We wouldn't know until you turn 18?" it was more of a question and that was enough for me to confirm my doubt. "Cut the crap Keagan. If I was your second chance as mates then you would've known. It's been what? 5 months since you rejected your mate. And how many times after that have we met? You would've known" the anger in my voice only raised as each word left me.

Ever since Keagan told me that I might be his second mate, I've been trying to get as much information as possible on that case. Like I said, second chances are very rare and we have never seen one either to know much about. But from what I've somewhat learned from the books in the library, it'd be just like meeting your first mate. The same pull after one of them have turned 18, the same instant attraction. Even if they weren't 18 they'd feel... something. And all I'm feeling towards the man standing in front of me is pure utter annoyance.

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