Chapter - 13

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'Renzo' 🌙

I knew I was fucked when I locked eyes with my mate. I did not understand why that girl would let every prisoner out on her own pack's Alpha ceremony but I was ready to take that chance. From Ethan's visit the other day and the guards I learned that my mate was about to become the Alpha on her 18th birthday and I had to leave this place before she finds about me. If I was fed at least once or if that guy who called me stupid the first day hadn't tackled me to the ground I would've escaped. The Goddess was so cruel to let me reach what I wanted almost to my finger tips only to have it rip away from me right before I got a hold on it. 

And now I was painfully aware of my mate's hand in mine and the sparks that danced around it. I could feel the worry emit off her all over myself and it made it even hard for me to plan my escape once again. But this time I have to make sure to have enough energy in me before leaving. I heard someone come and take Evelyn with them to talk about something which I was sure is about me. I felt a twitch in my heart when the warmth that had engulfed my hand was replaced with cold air.

I pried my eye open only to be met with blinding brightness. I closed my eyes and reopened it letting my sight to adjust. The ever smiling face of Ethan came in view when I tried and sat up. "Good to see you awake" he said walking closer to me. I didn't say anything as he checked my heart beat and scribbled something on the paper. "Food, water and rest is all you need for now. I don't know how your body works but I assume you should be as good as new in 2 days" he said still writing. Something about this man made me relax. It might be the calm aura around him or the soothing tone of his voice but I can clearly see how good of a doctor he is. He even guessed how long it'd take for me to be normal again which was surprisingly correct and it made me tense.

Ethan seemed to notice it and shook his head, "I didn't take your blood. I just observed how fast that wolfsbane wound healed and just assumed" I visibly relaxed and laid my head on the pillow, closing my eyes. I felt Ethan standing right there and rock on his heels back and forth. "If you have anything else to say, just spit it" I said not even lifting my head. "You are not going to reject Evelyn, are you?" The worry and concern did not go unnoticed by me but I refused to move out of my position. There is no way I'm going to reject her and even if I did, those words of rejection will do nothing to me or her.

But no one knows that, no one knows who or what actually I am and I'm not planning on telling them anytime soon. Now my first and foremost concern is to avenge my family. Nothing is going to stop me from doing that. Not my mate, not my wolf, not even the Goddess herself. 

I wish I hadn't find my mate in middle of this. Not only she'd be a distraction, she'd also become a target if word got out. I am not gonna let anything happen to her just because she is mated to me. She did nothing wrong other than fated to be mine. I will be doing her a favor by staying away from her.  

I heard Ethan sigh and walk away closing the door shut. At first I thought that I was too tired to move but I soon realized that I couldn't move because of the weight of sorrow sitting on my chest. I couldn't find her in the past two years and when I thought that I still have some time before finding her, I fell right in her hands. Guilt was a very rare emotion I ever felt but right now it seems like it has somehow invaded my whole body and wants to eat me up alive from the inside. If that isn't enough my wolf is constantly reminding me how much of an asshole I am and how much he'd like to cut off my balls if he doesn't have to be a part of me. Along the years I learned to have control over Renzo almost all the time. I didn't know how much he'd rebel when it came to our mate. If he did not loose control that day she wouldn't have known about our age and my wolf's name. I can't have her know even a tiny bit of information on me solely for her sake. By saying that we're putting mate out of danger is what had Renzo to stay inside. Or else he would've jumped and marked her right then and there. 

All these thoughts were hurting my head bad than the effects of wolfsbane. I know I'll eventually have to reveal my true self to her but that time was not now. The scent of the wolf that called me stupid filled my nostrils and instantly had me on edge. "I know you're awake so you better drop the act" it was not an order, it was more of him grumbling in annoyance. He didn't even try to hide the hatred towards me even after knowing that I'm his Alpha's mate. I don't know what his problem is and I'm not feeling like dealing with it. 

"You're coming with me" he spat and turned around. "Where?" I interrupted him as he was about to walk off. "To where you belong" I could practically see the smug look on his face when he said that. "Is he taking us to mate?" Renzo's tired voice asked. I felt guilty to put him in this state but I'm doing this for her and I know that Renzo would be happy to do anything for her.. "I don't know Re" I replied and got up to follow that guy. He immediately started walking fast but made sure to remain close to me. 

After some time it became hard for me to walk as my head refused to stop pounding. I need sleep. I stopped to take some deep breathes which made the guy to stop as well. "You can rest when you get there" he gritted. What did I do to him?

"What's your name?" I asked as we started to walk again, now in a slightly slow pace. "None of your business" was what came as an answer. "I'm pretty sure that your Alpha won't be happy about how you treat me" I heard him let out a irritated growl and smirked. I knew using her name is such a selfish move but I had to do it. I wanted this guy to know that he isn't superior to me. What can I say, my ego is as big as my wolf. "Josh, Gamma of this pack" 

We both walked in silence after that. I kind of guessed that he might be the beta because of his aura but whatever. At first I thought he was taking me to the pack house but I was shocked when the prison building came in view. They're putting me back there. Woww... If I said that I wasn't disappointed then I was lying. These people are willing to put me back in that hell whole even after they knew that I was this very pack's Alpha's mate. I did not expect this kind of hospitality from these people. Anger riled up through my body when Josh wrapped his hand around my wrist and started pulling me. I let him do that only because I know I was exhausted. Every bone in my body was aching and I was not in a state to fight. 

I let him drag me to the silver section and push me inside the same cell that I've been in the past week. The minute the door locked Josh flew out of the place as fast as possible. I couldn't help but think that Evelyn was also in this. She was the Alpha after all. No one makes a decision without their Alpha's word in it. And here I am, trying my hardest to keep her safe while she throws me away like garbage. I felt like punching the wall but my exhaustion took over as I slowly laid on that hard floor and fell into a dreamless slumber.


A/n :

I know this is a short chapter but I had to finish it there. You can't know everything so soon. The next chapter will be in Evelyn's POV as usual. I'm sorry for the short chapter and for updating late. I'll try to update the next chapter as soon as possible. Love you all.

Please don't forget to vote and comment.

Word Count : 1461

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