Chapter - 35

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Happy reading 🌻

Evelyn 🌕

When Ethan said that this suppressing the heat shit is gonna hurt, he wasn't lying. And when I said nothing's gonna hurt me more than the actual heat and the pain my mate caused me, clearly I didn't know what the fuck I was talking about. This shit fucking had me rethinking all my life decisions. What the hell was I thinking?

And it didn't help that, all I could hear was myself screaming my poor heart out. They had me bounded to the bed and despite that, the whole bed was shaking with every ear deafening scream that left me. And as the second ticked by, the more agonizing the pain got. It felt like someone was trying to turn me inside out while drowning me in scorching hot water. I don't even know if that makes sense but I have no better way to explain the pain.

A minute goes by and the pain got even more unbearable. And just like that I was coughing up blood. I saw my dad running up to Ethan and yell something at him. Josh was either too stunned or too scared because he stood at the end of the bed like a statue, face as pale as Edward Cullen. The last thing I saw was my mom bursting through the door like a flaming ball of fire.


My head felt like it's been smashed against a giant rock over and over again. I groaned and immediately shut my mouth with how bad my throat hurt. Tried getting up and my body said 'no'. Is there any part in my body that doesn't fucking hurt? The answer was no obviously. I opened my eyes and it instantly locked with my mom's.

Just from the look she was giving me, I know she was not at all happy with my decision but that didn't stop her from handing me a glass of water or asking me how I was feeling. It was difficult to speak so I just mouthed 'I'm okay'. Apparently that was the wrong answer because she wacked me upside the head pretty hard. "Ow" I croaked rubbing where she hit. "Could you be more stupid Evelyn? Suppressing your heat means suppressing your wolf too! You have an alpha challenging you to a duel tomorrow and you decided to have your wolf take a vacation!" she yelled in one breath.

"What else was I supposed to do? Fight with my heat going or-or send him a letter! 'Hey Keagan, having my heat. Can't fight at the moment xoxo', is that what I was supposed to do?" I whisper yelled earning a glare from her in return. She poured another glass of water and gave it to me. I drank it in a go and sighed. I cleared my throat and talked, "Mom I know you're worried but, I can't just sit back now can I? If I let dad handle this, am I not proving his point that I hide behind his back? I believe myself mom. I can take him even without Sylvie." I said, confidence oozing in my words.

She was quiet for sometime before letting out a defeated sigh. "I know you can but as your mom, I'm just worried baby. When I saw you vomiting blood-" she shut her eyes and shook her head as if trying to get the image out of her mind, "I'll go get Ethan" she said. "You could just link him." I said. She shook her head smiling a little, "Your uncle's here".

I was surprised and didn't know how to react to that. I was never close with my uncle, well close enough to visit each other in the hospital I guess. My uncle entered the room with a nod towards to my mom in greeting to which she smiled. "Hey..." I said trying to get up in a sitting position. My uncle rushed to my side and helped me, adjusting the pillow for me. "Thanks" I smiled. He nodded and took a seat on the bed. He was quiet for a very long time, long enough for me to grow worried.

"Is something wrong?" I asked sitting up a little straight. My uncle has never voluntarily talked to me unless it's a special occasion, training or pack issues. So it bothered me just a bit that he looked worried.

He shook his head, "Your dad and I talked", he said and grimaced, "Well, only if we consider barging into one's room and yelling 'how much he wishes to gut your mate alive for making his daughter suffer', having a talk."

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