As he pulls the hood of his jacket up emerald eyes catch sight of a couple moving quickly trying to get out of the rain. He sees the male pull his date closer trying to shield them from the weather and keep them warm with gentle kisses and strong arms and suddenly all he wants to do is cry.

Finally his apartment building comes onto veiw as he feels a sense of relief just wanting to pull his warm covers over his head and hide from the night.

He can't believe his string of bad luck tonight when he finally stumbles through his apartment door, wet, cold, tired and heavy hearted after seeing yet another happy couple practically making out in the elevator right next to him.

The greenett shuts his apartment door once inside leaning against the door pulling off his wet coat.

" What a crappy night", he grumbles while removing his wet work shoes and making his way to the bathroom for a hot shower.

Emerald eyes close as he feels the steaming water warm his cold skin while his mind travels to his rock star boyfriend who is no doubt still up on stage. It's only been two weeks and he misses Katsuki so much more than he even dreamed he would.

Once he's warm, cleaned and dried he slips on one of the blonde's sweatshirts that he left for him, slips on his sweats and climbs into bed.

With an achy heart he sends one more I miss you text to Katsuki and gets under the covers, shutting out the light. Before he even realizes it he's drifting to sleep but not before a tear slides down his cheek.

Several miles away Katsuki is finally done with the show. He's quite as he packs his music equipment up swiftly with his mind on green eyes.

Even in the limo on the way back to the hotel he's quite making his best friend nudge him.

" You alright bro? It's unlike you to be so quiet."

Katsuki keeps crimson eyes on the passing street lights.

" Yeah, just not where I wanna be right now."

The redhead smiles.

" Missin Mido man?"

The blonde only nods, not in the mood for conversation at the moment.

Not long later Katsuki is unlocking his hotel room door when the voice of a female is heard behind him.

" Hi Dynamite. Great show tonight. You were totally hot up there."

The blonde turns around to see some groupie fan standing there bating her eye lashes with clothes that are so tight they look painted on her body.

He's seen the look before, it's nothing new, same shit different night, different city but all the same thing. Some chick or dude just trying to get into his bed to say they got laid by the great lord Dynamite.

But this lord Dynamite is not fucking interested, this blonde bomb has what he wants in a bed several miles away waiting for him to come home, so crimson eyes narrow immediately.

" Oi, there's no fucking need for you to say another word. I'm not interested, in fact I couldn't be less interested. I have a boyfriend back home so you can fuck off, go on and tell the papers that I'm a rude prick, I'll back up your story because I am exactly that. Good night, and stay the fuck away from my room.", with that he's behind his door after he slams it closed and locks it.

He grunts in aggravation as he strips his shirt off and lays down across his bed with his arm over his eyes.

The sound of the amplifiers from the show are still ringing in his ears. He moves his arm enough to see the numbers on the clock. It's 2:54 am.

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