Chapter 24: PORSCHAY: -

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"Everyone can stay here for a while" Vegas said as everyone returned to the minor home after they took down Ohm and his new mafia. No one dared to talk, everyone was silent. They were grieving as well for their former leader. Kinn even refused to talk to Porsche, but Porsche refused to leave his side because he feared Kinn would do something to himself.

"I have called in architects and builders to help restore the main house" Uncle Kun said, he also felt very bad for his brothers death. Kinn hated this however, he hated his uncle and his cousins.

"Kinn.." Porsche finally talked to him but Kinn looked away and got up to walk alone to the room he was provided. Porsche looked to Pete and Porschay and they all sighed.

"What should I do?" Porsche said, he was lost.

"We couldn't have predicted this; sacrifices have to be made" Pete said.

"Yeah but, this is too early for him to die" Porsche said.

"P, this is also a better way he had to die than what happened in the future" Porschay said and Porsche nodded remembering the awful events.

"Do you remember?" Pete asked.

"Yeah, I remember that day very clearly. Kinn had to make the terrible decision of killing his father for a better future, it was the worst day ever" Porsche said sadly.

"So, what is better? Korn dying by the mafias? Or being killed by his own son! Kinn would've regretted it, Kinn was never the same after that day" Porschay said and Porsche nodded.

"His father was a lunatic, Kinn had to do the only logical thing no one else thought of, or could do" Pete said.

"P, go to him. Comfort him, he needs it" Porschay told Porsche and Porsche nodded. Porsche walked up to the room and slowly opened the door, it was dark. When he looked inside he saw Kinn with a glass of alcohol and sighed. Kinn was looking out the window with no expression and just thinking.

"Kinn?" Porsche called for him as he closed the door.

"Porsche, what is it you know that I don't?" Kinn asked. "Everything my father has told me was a lie"

Porsche sat on the bed next to Kinn and looked down. "Your father still loved you"

"Oh yeah? Is that why he tried to make me and Kim compete! He told me it was mine! THE TITLE IS MY RIGHT! He told me he trusted me! I worked my fucking ass off for this? I get treated like shit, why Kim? Why was he doing this to us! To his family" Kinn said and Porsche held his shoulder.

"He is treating you guys like how his father treated him and his brothers, Korn didn't really know emotion because of that" Porsche said.

"Yeah, to him family is just a game of chess. He is such a power-hungry fool! HE should've kept that power to the grave!" Kinn shouted and Porsche frowned.

"Kinn, don't say that!" Porsche said.

"What? I am serious! I don't want to be second to Kim, oh no! I don't want that man's leftovers!" Kinn said and Porsche randomly hit him in the head.

"What the fuck are you on right now? Did Vegas give you drugs?" Porsche yelled at him.

"W-what?" Kinn was taken a back.

"This is not the Kinn I know! Your father was a piece of shit who never cared about family, but you are different! You care!!!! Don't hate Kim for following his fathers' orders, no! The person you should hate is your father, not the title, not your brothers! NOT ANYTHING! He turned you against your cousins, he turned everyone against each other to see who will last in the end. HE was even planning to give me the minor family title once he terminated the minor family" Porsche yelled.

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