Chapter 14: - PORSCHAY: -

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"Where the hell are you guys?" Porschay said while looking around for his friends, he sighed as he entered Sammons café. "P'Fluke have you seen Macau? Or Sang and Benz?"

"No, they haven't come in today" Fluke said as he was wiping the counters.

"They told me to meet them at the café" Porschay said as he sat down inside the café waiting for his friends, just then he heard the bell of the door ring and a new customer entered.

"Honestly Kinn if you want coffee get it yourself!" The man said who was on the phone. "I don't give a fuck if you are angry at Fluke! No... no!" Porschay looked up from his hands and found that it was Kim who was shouting at Kinn through the phone.

"But you are out anyways, I am busy" Both Porschay and Fluke heard Kinn say through the phone.

"Right, what do you need?" Fluke said as he went behind the counter with an annoyed expression.

"One Caramel Macchiato and a Matcha iced tea" Kim said and then leaned on the counter slowly turning around, when he saw Porschay he made a curious expression and then got up slowly from the counter and made eye contact with him. Porschay looked away immediately and wanted to leave.

"Well, if it isn't Macau's boyfriend" Kim said approaching Porschay. But Porschay didn't talk, he just looked at his phone and it made Kim frown

"Calm down, calm down" Porschay thought to himself as his heart began to beat incredibly fast.

"What? Why don't you want to talk to me? Did Macau say you should not talk to me? Because believe me, their the worst family" Kim laughed and continued to stare intently at Porschay. "You know, the more I look at you the more you look cute"

Porschay looked up stunned by what Kim had said, Kim was now smiling at Porschay and Porschay couldn't help his heart from beating at a fast pace. He is supposed to hate Kim for what he did, but Kim he couldn't help but still yearn for him. Porschay looked away from Kim and Kim noticed that something was bothering Porschay.

"Why don't you speak to me?" Kim said. "I am shocked Macau has good taste"

Porschay took offense to this. "Why do you keep insulting Macau and his family?"

Kim was surprised. "Finally!"

"No! you keep thinking you are higher than them and that is so wrong, do you even care about other peoples feelings besides your own?" Porschay didn't realize he talked about himself. But now that Kim didn't have any ulterior motive for approaching Porschay, his true attitude was showing. Porschay first met Kim when he was kind hearted, when he helped him, but now the true colors of Kim were showing.

"You don't even know me" Kim said a bit stunned by Porschay's outburst.

"Well, I know enough!" Porschay said and Kim froze. "You have no right to degrade another person when you yourself is not perfect, stop trying to act like you are better than other people! You act like you don't care, and hide in the shadows but admit it, you do care"

"Order for Kim is ready!" Fluke suddenly said awaking Kim and Porschay from their stare down. Kim got up with a confused look on his face, got his drinks and without saying anything he left the shop in a daze. Porschay himself couldn't believe what just happened and held his heart.

"Did I just do that?" Porschay said with a smile.

"Yeah, you were pretty loud" Fluke smirked.

"You were listening?" Porschay said.

"Uhuh, and it sounds like there is much more going on with you kid than just protecting your boyfriend" Fluke said with emphasis on boyfriend as if he already knew that Macau and Porschay weren't really dating.

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