Chapter 15: - PETE: -

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Pete woke up and it was still morning, Porschay and Aat had to go to an event with Kinn and Pete was not really ready to face the world. He was sick and he was still deiciding whether to follow his heart or leave Porschay with the burden of not going with his true love. He didn't want to be selfish, he wanted to go through his mission, but it was impossible. Vegas was the only thing he felt emotional towards. All these years he acted like a emotionless bodyguard and Vegas gave him a reason to be real, Vegas looked at him like a real person and was the love of his life. Sure, in the starting Vegas treated him like everyone of his lovers, but slowly Pete and Vegas had a deeper connection, a connection no one could destroy a connection where Pete could never live without Vegas, and Vegas could never be without Pete.

They couldn't be without each other, it was difficult. Once in the future Pete went on a trip without Vegas and it hurt him so much, he cut his trip short and went back home, Vegas also was so desperate to see Pete he cut all his business plans and flew to meet him only to find out Pete was back home. They both reunited on the airport and then they had sex in the bathroom....

Anyways it was hard for Pete, Pete looked at his hidden phone that he hid from the main family and felt like calling someone for emotional support. Porschay and Aat had been kind enough to let him rest and cover for him and he felt useless. "Seems like Macau and Porschay have gone university shopping" Pete said as he went to go drink some water.

A knock on the door came and Pete went to go check it out, it was Ken, the spy for the minor family. "Pete, Mister Vegas has asked for you"

"Tell him I am busy" Pete said which shocked Ken.

"Pete, do you know who he is??? He is Mister Vegas Theerapanyankul" Ken said in shock but Pete looked uninterested.

"So? That has nothing to do with me"" Pete said and closed the door. Pete was avoiding Vegas because he knew as soon as he sees Vegas he would fall at his feet for him, and he didn't want to do that, he had to remain strong.

In the afternoon Porsche and Aat still haven't returned so he went downstairs and found Mister Tankhun there who was singing with boredom. "PEEETEEE!!!" Tankhun screamed as he found Pete, he got off the bodyguard he was standing on and ran to give Pete a hug. "I missed you so much, are you feeling better? You are? Okay, Vegas is here, come on lets kidnap him!"

Pete didn't even have a chance to answer him, so Pete just simply coughed and Tankhun gasped with the germs. "Sorry Mister Tankhun, I am very sick you see"

"Oh my god! This is unbelievable" Tankhun said in his English accent, he looked so offended that Pete turned him down. "Pete, are you serious, what happened to the old Pete who would walk through fire when sick and blood dripping down his head? You changed"

"Sorry Mister Tankhun" Pete smiled and Tankhun gave a sassy expression.

"Are you cheating on me?" Tankhun asked, going closer to Tankhun. "Who is the fucker? Is it Kim? You want to work for him now, oh no! Don't tell me, you're cheating on me with Kinn!!! No he has all the good bodyguards"

"No Mister Tankhun, I am not working with anyone else besides you" Pete said and Tankhun looked suspicious at him.

"Are you sure? Double sure? Okay, now let's go feed Elizabeth and Sebastian!" Tankhun said, dragging the sick Pete along with him. Thank god it made him forget about kidnapping Vegas, but it made him at least survive.

A week had gone by with Pete still strongly ignoring Vegas, but he could not handle not seeing his boyfriend so at times he would sneak a glance at him from the window, to see if Vegas would leave. But Vegas was persistent, he came everyday to the minor family, and he waited from the morning to night. Porsche was so concerned but Pete told him to ignore it.

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