Chapter 2: PORSCHAY: -

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Porschay rode his bike to school as usual, he thought there was something weird about the way his brother was acting this morning. "Did he have a lot of alcohol yesterday?" Porschay was really concerned about his brother, he knew Porsche was struggling and was vey proud of his brother's braveness, he always wondered how Porsche handled all of that stress, and everything was off his shoulders, piled up on his brother making it even more stressful for Porsche.

Somehow Porsche managed to get Porschay into an elite school, for rich kids. Porschay somehow managed to make friends in the school where he was an outcast in, and he was not going to complain about how he was treated their because his brother was trying so hard to get Porschay into a good education, so he could not end up like Porsche. Upon arriving to his school, he parked his bike by the bike stand and he had the only bike there, well because many of the kids had drivers.

"Porschay!!!" Sang Sookyod his best friend called out to him, and next to him was Benz Chaisai his other best friend, both of them very rich, but very kind and caring people.

"Where were you on the weekend, we were playing video games at Sang's house and you didn't answer your home phone" Benz complained. "You betrayed us, because of you the freaking other team won!!!"

"Sorry guys, yesterday Porsche was very drunk and I had to drag him home" Porschay said.

"Ah, again, when will you stop that with your brother, he needs to learn how to be responsible" Sang said as they both were walking to school.

"Don't say that Sang, Porsche is always responsible just once in a while it gets really stressed for him. He doesn't let me in on anything, but I know that there is some problems with the house and my fees" Porschay said and his friends nodded.

"Okay, fine we will let it go. But next time you are late we are beating the shit out of you" Benz laughed.

"Guys stop swearing it is not good for you" Porschay frowned and the others laughed.

"Its fine, its not gonna kill you like my mother's furniture business" Sang laughed.

"Oh yeah, how is it going with her by the way" Porschay asked and Sang was annoyed.

"Well, glad you asked. Ever since she has expanded her business worldwide, she thinks she is a fucking kpop star" Sang was annoyed. "Like bro, no one is going to know you, even though you make billions of dollars each year, you are not as famous"

"Same with my dad, he has gone worldwide with his gyms and protein bars, all those fitness shit that I can never take because its literally shit to me. He thinks he is Justin Bieber and people should naturally know him"

"Sound like you guys have it ruff" Porschay laughed at his friends. "Is your dad still wanting you to go to the gym?"

"Everyday, none stop. He forces me to take his protein shakes, powders and go to the gym but I don't like that. I am fine with my body, and I am happy with my self. I don't want to wake up with cramps and sores, and look like a bodybuilder who only wears underwear when they want to show off their abbs, that is not me!!!" Benz was really stressed up about this, and then they sat down in the school yard with the rest of the students before classes started.

"What about you Sang, still pretending to be a good boy in front of your parents" Porschay asked and Sang faked wiped a tear away.

"I want to throw something on the wall, my parents are really overprotective of me, because I am so smaller than most boys my age, I am short so what!!!! But anyways, I can't eat many foods like pasta, bread, some dairy products. All fucking organic, and if I misbehave in anyways, they will send me to correction classes for young boys who disobey their rich parents, or what I like to call the perfect son camp!!!!" Sang shouted. "I am not that fucking weak; I can literally defend myself"

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