Chapter 16: - PORSCHE: -

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Porsche left the two lovebirds outside and smiled at the two as he closed the door. He sighed when Porsceh looked back inside of the bar, Kinn had just arrived with Tae and Time both who were just about to greet Tem. He sighed as he joined everyone again and Aat looked like he was about to die.

"What the fuck is Kinn doing here?" Aat whispered to Porsche with wide eyes.

"I have no idea! Who the heck invited him" Porsche whispered to Aat.

"Did someone leave their trackers on?" Ohm frowned like his whole night was ruined.

"Ummm... Yes" Aat confirmed but when Porsche started patting himself down, he stopped out of nowhere.

"Oops!" Porsche said and Aat and Ohm, both gave him weird looks. Aat even went ahead and hit him on the head.

"You know Kinn wants to know more about you! Why the heck did you leave your tracker on, man is technically stalking you for weeks. He even asked me about you midnight. And then when I think I escaped he follows me into the public bathroom just to ask questions. He is literally on his period!" Aat said in frustration.

"Oii, don't blame me!!! He probably followed Tankhun!" Porsche pointed at Tankhun.

"No way, I made Pete take it off! Also he doesn't give a fuck about what he does, he only cares about you, a fucking stranger to his ass" Aat said and took a sip of his drink in sadness.

"Well, its actually his soulmate but he doesn't know it yet" Ohm winked at Porsche.

"Whose Porsche's soulmate?" They heard a voice say behind them, they all turned around with frantic faces as they recognized who that voice was from, it was Kinn.

"AAT!" Ohm said out of nowhere making me look at him weirdly and Aat almost spit out his drink in disgust. They both stared at each other and they didn't know what to do. Porsche smiled awkwardly at Aat, and Aat did the same. For some reason that did it for Kinn, he was now convinced something was going on between Porsche and Aat.

"I see, so you both are together" Kinn said with the most obvious jealous expression in the world which Porsche recognized so much due to the years they have been dating. When he is jealous he is super angry, his face immediately drops and he looks like he would kill someone.

Porsche came awkwardly closer to Aat and gave him a pat on the shoulder, it was so cringing even Ohm had to hide himself because he was laughing so hard. "No... were not together" Porsche said awkwardly as he went away from Aat again.

"Then what is it" Kinn said, clearly wanting answers.

"Uhh... we are getting their" Aat said and this time Porsche wanted to laugh.

"Well then congratulations" Kinn said with the most unconvincing smile and then took a sip of his drink.

"Don't you dare tell Tem and Jom! Or Pete" Aat whispered angrily to Porsche and Porsche looked like he wanted to die.

"Bitch, you think I would. This is the most embarrassing shit I have ever done" Porsche whispered back to him and then when Kinn looked at them they both smiled like they were having the time of their lives. Ohm couldn't stop laughing, Aat looked at him with a glare.

"Seriously Ohm, you could have said anything! Anything but you chose soulmates with me? Fuck put him with Pete, not me!" Aat said and Porsche hated both ideas.

"Don't put me with anyone, Bro, I rather be with Tankhun!" Porsche said and then he regretted his words when he looked at Tankhun who was drunk and dancing with a group of people. "Never mind, I rather be with myself"

Changing Destiny (Kinnporsche)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora