18 🍋

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"Wren my dear! You look beautiful as always" Yuria our fertility specialist greets hugging me.

Her home was dressed with trinkets, shiny stones, metals and assortments of lucky charms. I let out a sigh nervous to even be in her presence as she touches my stomach.

"You look healthy" she compliments "but...it seems I feel no movement?"

"Are you sure?" I ask her and Yuria can see the pain in my eyes. She wants to lie but knowing that will not aid in my predicament.

"Well...how are things at home?"

"Fine? Nothing out of the usual" I say confused as she just walks around me, looking for any marks on my body or slight signs of abnormalities.

"How many times have you tried to conceive?"

I have actually lost count at how many times Tonowari and I had laid with each other.

"Any chance we can get" I responded not wanting to sound like two feral animals in heat. She does a small prayer and burns sage walking around me and dropping ashes over my shoulders.

I was skeptical of this even working but at this point I will try almost anything to just be pregnant.

Gorla's has rallied enough supporters against Tonowari to call a meeting of all the chiefs that were in the Metikayina district. We are going on day 3 of just constant arguing.

Since the dinner incident Gorla has learned his lesson being around Tonowari. If he wanted to speak out of term he would need protection to ensure Tonowari was behaved. Gorla went as far as to bring six guards with him three standing by Gorla and three standing by Tonowari.

Even if he is the one to call a meeting.

"This is fucking ridiculous" Tonowari sighs rubbing his temple.

"What's ridiculous is your respect for our laws and culture. Do you all truly believe this union is true?" Gorla shouts standing up from his seat and gesturing his hand over to Tonowari and I.

Again...I'm summoned...by Gorla. But in these type of meetings only our Olo'eyktans are allowed to speak. Not even a Tsahik is present. So I sit in silent and just pray that I can handle the verbal abuse from Gorla.

"To be fair, the Union law is more relaxed" Coi defended looking over at us. "We had already crown Tonowari far before he even was married. I don't see their marriage as sufficient enough reasonings to release the crown"

"It is not the marriage but the lie it was built on. The manipulation to get the throne." Gorla corrects as the rest nod.

"As the true chief, how my marriage is does not relate to how I am as a leader. I never manipulated anything for the throne and if that's the case we can always settle this with our people. I know they will crown me."

"But...sire, you have to admit..we may be relaxed but it has always been a law. Olo'eyktans must marry to have their title." A woman Olo'eyktan speaks "We all had to abide by this law and it would seem unfair to just now break it"

"I understand your concern but there is no need to break it for me because our union is true." Tonowari says placing a hand up in reassurance.

"Then why haven't you two bore children?" Another man asks "do you two not believe in consummating your marriage"

"Are you asking me if I have sex with my wife?" Tonowari says bluntly and annoyed. Both his arms crossed as he slouches down in his chair. I want to reach for Tonowari but in fear this may upset the others and all I could do is simply place my hand his Tonowari's knee.

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