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Day six

The entire house was destroyed. I straddled Tonowari's lap wrapping my arms around his neck kissing him. We laid in his bed looking out at his over water balcony.

"I love you" I say pulling away and he melts

"I love you too"

His hands rub my back as we both watch the sun come up.

"So lucky to be waking up next to you" Tonowari cooes his eyes just so focused upwards at me. He drags me closer so he can kiss the edge of my jawline.

"I will never be able to get use to you complimenting me" I sigh and he just laughs

"Well I mean you're going to have to get use to it. Because I'm not going to stop." Tonowari says

And suddenly the worst sound we both ever heard....

At this point she could have been a demon trying to kill the both of us.

"AH! YOU TWO!" Pol'um shouts walking through our home and having to move things out of the way "WHAT IS THIS?!" She goes off picking up broken chairs and moving objects out of the way to go to Tonowari's room.

Her eyes look at me and she could faint.

"Now. Now! Pol'um! I am the innocent one! She asked me to bite her!" Tonowari retorts but she already wants to throw the broken chair at him

"DO YOU KNOW THE TROUBLE I HAVE TO GO NOW?!" She hollers smacking his head and he just chuckles and shields himself.

"I was only fulfilling my duties as a husband! Have mercy!"

"And you!" Pol'um turns to me wagging her finger

"What?! No Pol'um! I told him you would do this! I tried to stop him!" I protested

"Oh really?! That's why you have multiple ones!" She growls annoyed at the two of us. "GET UP! BOTH OF YOU! We have to get you dressed for the tulkun ceremony"

She begins to walk out of his room before turning back to glare at us.

"And you better be out here immediately! No Tom foolery! And I mean it Tonowari!"

"What?! Why me? I am just a weak man Pol'um" he jokes

"Weak....uh huh." Pol'um sighs clapping her hands and walking out "UP BOTH OF YOU. NOW!"


"Wow see? Pol'um your work is amazing! I can't even see any more marks" Tonowari snickers as I finally finish getting dressed.

Pol'um turns to swat Tonowari's forearm just because she couldn't reach his forehead.

"The both of you will be the death of me" she grumbles underneath her breath "at this rate I will move and live with the ash people!"

"But then who will help me with my weaving requests" Tonowari teases her "you are truly the best in all of pandora. We would miss you too terribly"

She points up at Tonowari "Your charming tongue will not work on me"

Pol'um claps her hand "now off you two"

Hugging each of us and kissing our forehead. "May the tulkuns bless this union."


The tulkun ceremony is where our spirit family arrives from the great sea. Because they are a much older creatures history says that they carry Eywa's true will.

Before our union is complete we must ask for their blessings. Tonowari seems not to worried about this.

The Tulkun way is a true pacifist who don't believe in lies and killing. Our entire union was built on a lie and they will sense that.

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