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"Just one more then I have to go!" I protested as Tonowari pulls me into one last kiss. His arms wrap around my waist picking me up off the ground.

"Ok go" he says lightly spanking me "see you tonight"

Today was our wedding day and our entire colony has put on a massive festival. There were people flooding in to our island from all parts of the world.

I've been with Pol'um since daybreak...actually longer. There is a massive amount of weavers, florist, painters and other who are at our home.

The moment they arrived Tonowari was thrown out to kill time.

I thought my legs were going to give out as they hand place each crystal ornament. Getting one arm tugged another way while my hair is pulled in the opposite direction.

"Are you tired?" Ura asks me as she adheres the jewel breast plate. I had to hold it to my chest letting the tree wax dries down.

"She better not be! I told you both no Tom foolery!" Pol'um retorts swinging her finger at me like a lecturing mother.

"I'm tired from standing!" I retorted back as she assume Tonowari has tried to do something devious last night and the woman just giggles.

"Having Tonowari as your husband? I am surprised you are even standing" Ryi our traditional braider says as she undos them. I can feel my face become increasingly flustered

"So, tell us Wren how is he?" Teria, the florist ask as she covers parts of my body with small flowers.

"I heard he is very well endowed" Ryi snickers from behind me

"Ryi!" I beg

"I've seen him naked, yesterday morning for the tulkun ceremony" Pol'um chimes in

"Oh?! Tell us Pol'um!" The women all crowd around her and I just cover my face from embarrassment.

"The rumors are true" Pol'um says slyly "it was quite a site"

Oh god these women. "Can we change the subject please!" I protested as they all laugh.

"Calm child! Just girl talk" Ryi says fluffing my hair and trying to hold in a bad chuckle. She runs her hand over my neck near one of Tonowari's love bites. "Oop!he likes to play alittle rough I see"

"Ok! I'm going to take a break" I laugh being fed up with all of them. I try to walk off and they all just hug me.

"Oh no! We're sorry we'll behave" Ura laughs kissing my cheek.

"Atleast we will. Tonowari may not" Pol'um snickers



"Oh look at you! so beautiful!" The girls say as they finish their master piece.

Ryi and Teria put my hair in a soft updo with large chucks of hair falling in various places, using water lilies in various places and small pearls and crystals that would match Tonowari's traditional necklace.

Pol'um and Ura spent an excruciating amount of time to hand lay each crystal on my body covering all my intimate areas in jewels that gradually disperse. Pol'um finishes the top portion with a full Pearl laced shoulder piece that draped over my breast. Using a white silk cloth she finishes the bottom portion with a skirt that was sheer with two high splits on both sides.

"Now all we ask is when the time comes, remind Tonowari that it took us all day to do this and to not rip it off in a minute" Teria teases

"I can't believe I dealt with this harassment"

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