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Day four (afternoon)

"I'm sorry jade is not easy to find" Ura, Ikom's mother sighs. "I can speak to the fishermans, and see if we can get coral to replace it but...I know it's not the same"

She looks over at me. Her eyes filled with concerned as I begin to space out. I don't know how to explain what I was going through.

"You seem troubled my dear"

She reached her hands out for mine clasping it. Her grasp made me come back to reality and I just play it off. In hopes that she hasn't noticed

"Oh! Um. No! It's fine please don't worry I just wanted to see if there was anything in your convenience" I say pulling my hands back and putting them up like I didn't want her going out of her way.

Her eyes scan me and I know she can tell I'm lying. After all she is like my second mother.

"That's not what I'm talking about" Ura say leaning more forward to connect our stare. Her gaze was striking and powerful. Ura sighs "It must be hard to have your heart split into two."

"Ura..no..I" I say trying to lie

"I would choose the second one." She says interrupting my train of thought

I turn to her confused at her choices of words.

"Because if you truly loved the first one...then you wouldn't have fallen for the second." Ura smiles at me as we both at in silence.

"Ikom nice of you to join us" She says turning to look at her water balcony. He resurfaces from the ocean jumping onto her balcony and attempting to dry out before stepping into her home.

"Yeah sorry I went to go find things"

"I'll leave you two alone." She says walking over and kissing her son.

"So did Tonowari give you shit for seeing me?" He scoffs as his mother leaves. His words were harsh and arrogant something so opposite of what I'm use to. I don't know if it's because I have spent so much time with Tonowari now and he is the complete opposite but just the way Ikom spoke brought annoyance to my ears.

"No?" I say confused "He..."

I think back at how Tonowari held my hand this morning. His begging eyes but having to ultimately do the honorable thing and releasing me. His words still ringing in my soul. I knew I had feelings for Ikom but as I sit here I feel so lost without Tonowari.

Why couldn't Tonowari just be awful like he used to be? This would have made choosing Ikom so much easier and yet...he lingers on my mind.

Doubting my choices of what I think is the right choice. Knowing that I can walk away from all of this and choose Ikom in three days.

"He's not like that" I finish looking up at Ikom

"Really? I'm surprised." Ikom replies sarcastically and I grew defensive.

"Why are you surprised?..."

"What do you mean why? He's a self serving rich asshole who...."

"He's not an asshole" I retorted back turning to fully face Ikom who just puts down a box on the table.

"Are you kidding me? Wren? He sucker punched me!" He shouts pointing to his cheek which has now bruised alittle honestly I'm surprised it was just bruised. Tonowari, himself was not easy to to handle. I've seen enough sparing matches with Tonowari to know that if you chose to pick a fight with him, expect to not be able to move for months.

"Because you egged him on Ikom" I shoot back quickly to remind him of the situation. He should be lucky Tonowari chose to stop.

"Wow. Really? Me?" He scoffs walking past me to grab and knife to cut open the box. "When did you start acting like this"

HERE WITH ME  /  Tonowari حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن