We reach the wall sooner than I thought we would. JJ is the first one climbing it up, with grunts and what looks like too much effort for a group of people who has eaten anything since the previous night.

Sarah and I struggle to climb, and both of us stare wide eyed at Cleo, who manages to do it flawlessly without a sweat on her forehead.

"How'd she do that?" I gasp for air.

"She's not real, she can't be." Sarah agrees with me.

"Come on." Cleo laughs with a smirk, giving me a hand.

She helps me up while JJ helps Sarah. Once we're on top, both Sarah and I hear JJ throw himself to the ground while we hoist up John B and Pope, who are coming behind.

JJ hurries us to drop to the ground, and his urgency makes me think we're in danger, so I quickly drop to my knees and crawl next to him.

"You see him?" He points ahead.

"Oh, fuck." I mutter.

I do see everything. There are several guards with dogs patrolling around. Also a snipper, on top of a tower. So, yeah. Vaux Hall.

"Okay, Portis wasn't kidding."

"No, that's a fortress. This is so much bigger than Ward."

"I feel like we should have come up with a plan or something before we jumped over the wall." I comments my thoughts out loud.

"It's not that bad." JJ clears his throat. "We got two towers, patrollers, ATVs, possibly snipers..."

"Basically a walk on the beach." I nod pursing my lips.

"There's no way we're getting past that." Sarah says next to me.

"We gotta help her." Cleo states. "We can take them if we stay towards the tree line."

"Cleo, I love your optimism but we c- Where the fuck is she going?!" I widen my eyes, watching Cleo stand up and carefully advance.

I don't even realize I'm standing up and following her until JJ is hissing my name and following my steps. The rest of the Pogues are left with no option but to follow us.

We run and get as close as we can, staying hidden behind some high grass. JJ steps forward, and raises his hand gesturing for us to wait there.

"What do you see?" John B asks.

Instead of answering, JJ puts up a four. Then, he moves two of his fingers in what I think it's supposed to be someone running. Then, he puts up to fingers and-

"Words, J! Use your words!" I smack his leg.

At the same time, John B also tells him to speak clearly, "Hey, use your words!"

"They're right there." JJ clarifies.

"Then just say that!"

"All right. What we should do is we should back up, all right?" JJ suggests, "Because there's no way."

"We can't leave now. We've come this far." I frown.

"Hey," Cleo calls for our attention. "There's an opening down that way." She points with her finger, "As soon as the guards turn around, we just sneak in through the back."

"All right, that's a plan I like." I smirk.

Cleo gets up, and I follow her without a doubt. I can still hear JJ mumbling something from behind us, and I slow my pace to walk next to him.

"Wait," He grabs John B's shirt, "you know what we should be doing? Go down, take the sewers up-"

"What sewers?!" Sarah turns around and yells at him in a loud whisper.

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