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"Ready guys" the woman in front of us said. She opened up her blouse fixing up her makeup. She's been a bitch the whole time. I just stared at her. "Just don't mess this up," she said. Maybe I should add her on my list of people I dislike. We walked further into the airport till we reached an old couple and a kid around 15 if not 14

My anxiety on another level as I held both Jasper and Conan's hands. I suffer from anxiety. I'm an introvert. I hate meeting people. I was just hoping  and praying that they aren't abusive.

"There you are Mr and Mrs Dior your kids" she said with the world's most fake smile. Wasn't she just rude? I just rolled my eyes. I hate fake people. They are  like taking a plastic bag and eating it hoping it's real.

The woman looked at me with teary eyes as she wiped her eyes. Emotional? After leaving us there to suffer they're acting like they care. The boy had a big grin on his face. "Hi, I'm Mailo, the youngest brother, '' he said with a smile. There is too much sunshine there. He should tone down a bit. It wouldn't hurt to be less…happy. What am I saying? Just because I lived a miserable life doesn't mean that everyone should. It's selfish of me. But it hurts to think of the childhood we missed. Would they have loved us if they didn't sell us there? Why did they sell us in the first place? Weren't we part of the family? What pride does this family have to sell the last three kids? Do they know how much we suffer?

Did they come back in hopes to sell us again? I don't think we can take that hit of destiny and life. We shouldn't have any expectations. If we have no expectations then they can't hurt us. Well emotionally so.

When I didn't answer that shapeshifting bitch did. She should learn to shut her mouth. On a serious note it smells. I don't know what it smells of but it does. It's like a mixture of different trash bins combined. It smells far worse than a dump site or the drainage. In fact those smells are barrable compared to her mouth. "oh Cecilia is selectively mute so you can't expect this little brat to..." Before she could finish the old man cut her off. I don't know what to address him as. He's old so you can't hold any beef against me.

"I'd advise you not to finish your sentence" he said with a cold voice. I flitched at the coldness. I hang my head low just in case he decides that it's disrespectful to look at his eyes because I'm worthless. Just the gum underneath your shoe. Jasper ,can we hurry up I'm sleepy "I signed. I know the drill. They'll start with’ oh my goodness I missed you darling’ then move to manipulate the situation making you feel guilty. So let's skip all this talk. "Can we speed things up?" he said. Grateful that he said it. He could've been less cold just in case they were abusive.

"Of course come on let's go" the man said. His presence should be screaming danger but it doesn't. It. Screams ‘ you're safe’ which is utter bullshit. Sorry for my foul language. You just caught me on the wrong day. We got in the private jet. They are made of money. For sure they eat money for breakfast, lunch and dinner. They don't need to raise a finger. They have maids for a reason. Like duh. So I came to a conclusion. They must be rich. I placed my face on Conan's chest. I was tired . My body is aching. I was sitting with Conan on my side. He has separation anxiety.

Jasper is sitting next to a guy now known as Mailo. Who I found was our ‘brother’. Soon I fell asleep. Why ? Because I was tired.


"Hey sleeping beauty come on let's go we've landed. " Mailo said as he gently woke me up. I almost smiled but held it in. Master would've killed me for smiling. Just a harmless thing. I nodded and followed them. Which I believe was a bad idea. I say we go back and go to an actual orphanage. We got in the car and drove to our destination. Which I believe I don't know where it was.

After a two hour drive. Which was the most awkward ride ever. Look at me speaking as if I ever get rides. Never left the basement in years. Maybe I'm exaggerating but still. We were confined while they lived their best lives. We arrived at our destination, which was an estate house. With several cars and bikes. We got out and went to the entrance. They didn't have to show off, you know. I just clenched my fists. This is what Canon deserves, not the bullshit we went through.

There we met 7 other heads. Heads because we don't have any information about their existence . So for now they remain as heads.  Both girls had the biggest smiles I've ever seen. Okay this family needs to tone down their smiles. They actually hurt. I may go blind one day. One of the boys had a death glare. Wow he looks constipated. I know a recipe for a concussion for constipation if he’d like. Great, I have a feeling that he doesn't like me. No need for eyes to know that he hates me. We go with them . And I'm getting some weird vibes from him. Maybe I'll die in his hands.

"Bamboletta these are your siblings" the one whose name and role I'm yet to know. Since I feel like the old man sounds a bit rude I'll wait for his introduction. "Hi I'm Levi the oldest I'm 20 years old," a guy with blonde hair,ocean blue eye,light faded scar on his right jawline. Can I just say we all have blonde hair…naturally so. "Hi I'm Belinda the second oldest I'm 19" a girl with brown hair clearly dyed and ocean blue eyes said.

" Oh my turn I'm Roman I'm 18" he said with a smile. Agg smiles. I'm going to have to put up with their smiles if I want to survive. "I'm Archie and I'm 17" the guy with platinum blond hair with green eyes said. We all have blond hair like this old woman I'm starting to assume is my mom. Or rather a birth giver.

"I'm Calliope and I'm 16" the other girl said. She dyed her hair black with a mixture of purple. Overall she looked pretty. "Amais I'm 15" the guy said. He too had green eyes unlike the rest.

Next came a guy with blue eyes. " Anis 14 turning 15 and don't you dare try coming near me I don't want to see your face." He said. Everyone glares at him. Oopy daisy made an enemy on the first day. Now I know not to approach you.

I found a perfect and interesting mark on Jasper's shoes to look at. It looked like a perfect distraction for all these eyes. Couldn't everyone mind their business because it was becoming uncomfortably awkward. "I'm Jasper and I'm 14" Jasper said in a cold voice. He is always cold to everyone. It's his defence mechanism.

"I'm Conan and this is Cecilia and we are 14" Conan said. He introduced me for which I was grateful. Anis looked at me with an emotion I couldn't quite figure out. Not that I was interested to figure it out as I might end up dead

"Well let's get inside" the guy whose name I don't know. I think he is my father. Let's not think because everytime I think someone gets hurt or something goes wrong. Do you think if I call him dad he'll get mad? Don't even want to think about it.

"Why is she skinny,is it to get attention from guys" Anis said. His tone cold and emotionless. Firstly, that's utterly rude. Secondly ouch that hurt on a serious deep note."I'd advise you not to speak ill about her, you won't like the consequences. And anyway, who are you to judge her?" Jasper said. He was always my protector.

"You know nothing about her or how she lived her so stay away from her if you don't have a death wish" Conan finished aww my sweet rabbit is defending me. . "Can't she defend herself why are you speaking on her behalf " he said while yelling. Please don't yell. I feel like crying.

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