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Death. Something no one can outrun. Sometimes it takes people earlier than expected. Sometimes it takes longer. But everyone is susceptible to death. No matter how far you run. How much you pray. It won't stop just because you want it to. sometimes it takes you when you least expect it, just like it took (y/n) away during his sleep.

"make me proud okay?" 

what voice would be disturbing the dream he was having he had no idea. but what he did know was that this was not a normal dream. everything was just dark. like a sort of Limbo. but it wouldn't last long as a blinding light would invade the area. his eyes would shoot open, and he would note just how dark the sky is. wait the sky!?

"wasn't i in my bedroom? i was dreaming right? was i kidnapped or something? or maybe I'm still dreaming."

he would sit up, only now noticing the clothing that was on him.

"that's strange, these aren't my pajamas. they look like Goku black's clothing. and i even have the time ring on my finger. i must be dreaming right? unless someone kidnapped me and made me cosplay as Goku black which would be incredibly strange"

he would stand up, inspecting the area around him. it was obscured by trees, must be a forest, and it was very dark. he could still see but had no idea how he could see this well. 

"now what. i have no idea where i am, i have no food or drink, and i have nowhere to stay. unless i could find a town of some sort to stay, that is before i wake up if it is a dream. but this dream is extremely realistic. only one way to test."

he would pinch himself, noting the pain he received from it.

"so it's not a dream. so i was kidnapped then? that makes me wonder who dressed creepy."

he would look at himself, smirking to himself.

"there is only one thing a weeb such as myself can do in this situation. its almost frightening the resemblance to Black. i have to test if i have his powers! because that's what a weeb does! but what should i test? i have divine lasso, Kamehameha, the ki blades, the black power ball and Rosé. what to test first. hmmmmmmm."

before he could attempt anything however, a sudden sound of a branch snapping would startle him. he would turn around, looking around as more and more branches would snap under something's feet.

'somethings there. most likely an animal, but what kind? a deer most likely, no way its a bear.' he would think to himself, although his body would urge him it was something else.

and it was right. a humanoid thing would jump out of the shadows, it would be incredibly veiny on it head, and it would grin at the sight of the boy.

"that's definitely not an animal!" (y/n) would shout slowly backing away from the thing.

'it looks more akin to a demon from demon slayer. shit, do i run? no, the demons are better than humans in every regard unless you're a demon slayer.   and im not. but that begs the question, since this isn't a dream this is reality, does that mean im in demon slayer then!? how!?'

"free food huh? don't mind if i do!" the demon would yell, before leaping towards the boy.

as if on instinct, (y/n) would raise his hand, and a yellow ki blast would shoot out of his hand and impact the demon, sending it flying back.

'huh what? i shot out a ki blast!? hold on, do i have his powers then, would they even kill the demon?  ki is a life force, and demons die through decapitation of a nichirin blade or sunlight. so maybe not, but i gotta give it a shot! just maybe i could syphon  their life energy away from them using ki?" he would think to himself, quickly enveloping his hand with it, creating a ki blade. 'only one way to find out. im surprised how natural this feels to use.'

the demon would recover showing itself once more and staring him down.

"how did you do that huh? are you a demon as well? in that case why are you in my turf huh?!"

(y/n) wouldn't respond, taking 1 step forward but freezing afterwards.

'damn it move your legs! it's just as giyuu said in episode 1, 'the weak are crushed by the strong' i cant show weakness, i have to use the strength i've been given to win. so move damn it!'

he would shoot forward, his speed surprising him as he would send his hand through the demon's skull, destroying it.

"holy shit! i just made his head explode, fuck! wait, it's not regenerating? was i correct? did i take his life force using my ki?'

the body of the demon would slowly begin to burn up, turning to ash infront of the boy.

"well at least its dead. instead of well, alive. i should get out of here, it won't bode good for me if i get found by a demon slayer. well, maybe it was Giyuu or Tanjiro i would be fine. speaking off, just where exactly am i in terms of time line?"

the boy would slowly begin to levitate, noting, again, just how natural it felt for him to use his new powers, which was strange to him. then again the entire day has been strange. he woke up in a forest wearing goku black's clothes, got attacked by a demon from demon slayer then used fucking ki to kill it. and now hes flying!

"i should get myself acquainted with this world, we only get what's shown on screen so it could be a lot worse than we think. it could also help me see where exactly i am in term of time line. hell, maybe i'll even meet Mitsuri! we both technically have pink hair soooo. even then, im going to try and get my ships together, which means no girls for me. shit am i going to be alone until i die?" he would say to himself, slowly raising himself to the sky and blasting off.

unknown to him, a demon slayer had noticed him fly off, their red hair swaying in the wind.


"no master wait- and he's gone. HEY WAIT UP!"


1055. hope you enjoyed the prologue! and for the first time ever, a male isekai to demon slayer that i've seen! hope you enjoy the coming chapters :)

A Rosé By Any Other Name. (Goku Black male reader X demon slayer)Where stories live. Discover now