22. Chapter Twenty-Two.

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Third party pov

Dimitri's mind was racing with frustration and anger as he struggled to come to terms with how the twins had fallen for Sofia's deceptive tactics, ultimately resulting in Rena getting hurt.

He had always trusted his brothers to protect Rena above all else, but their carelessness had allowed Sofia to gain the upper hand.

Still, it was hard to suppress the anger he felt towards his brothers for their lapse in judgment. Dimitri couldn't help but think that they should have known better than to fall for Sofia's tricks so easily.

Remembering the events of the previous night had left Dimitri seething with anger and a burning desire for retribution.

Though he knew it was not wise to act on his impulses, it took every ounce of his willpower to resist seeking out Sofia and making her pay for her disobedience.

The mere thought of her betrayal and the harm she had caused to Rena made his blood boil with fury. His mind raced with thoughts of how he could punish Sofia for her actions and ensure that she would never cross him again.

Maybe a bullet to the head? Dimitri thought.

As he struggled to contain his rage, Dimitri reminded himself of the importance of restraint and careful planning.

He knew that acting impulsively would only lead to more trouble and could jeopardize his ultimate goal plus his father certainly wouldn't be pleased.

He needed to be patient and strategic in his approach, taking the time to gather information and assess the situation before taking any action.

Despite his efforts to maintain a calm and collected demeanor, Dimitri couldn't shake the feeling of anger and frustration that simmered beneath the surface.

He knew that he would need to find a way to release these emotions before they consumed him completely.

As Dimitri struggled to contain his anger towards Sofia, another thought weighed heavily on his mind. It was something he had been trying to ignore, that niggling feeling that would just not go away, but the truth was impossible to deny.

Rena's impending departure was imminent, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of something he shouldn't. That same feeling when his previous girlfriend was killed by Sofia.

Stopping before a particular door Dimitri pushed the door open without knocking.

Sofia let out a sarcastic remark as Dimitri approached, his hand already clamped tightly around her throat. "Took you long enough," she spat out. But her words only seemed to fuel his rage as he slammed her into the wall with brute force, ignoring her protests completely.

"I distinctly remember ordering you to stay away from her," Dimitri growled menacingly, his grip on her throat tightening. "What part of that didn't you understand?"

"I like it when you're rough," Sofia whispered, provoking Dimitri's anger. He slammed her against the wall once again, before finally dropping her to the ground when he saw her gasping for air.

"Your lucky I don't shoot you in the fucking face for that stupid stunt you pulled." Dimitri warned.

"Tell me, Dimitri," Sofia taunted, a sly grin on her lips. "How does it feel to be fucking the princess of Asentrix? I wonder what would happen if word got out about such an act."

"I need to caution you," I warned her sternly. "Your actions will not only put everyone in danger, but also endanger yourself."

"You still don't seem to grasp the fact that I'm a girl who goes after exactly what I want," Sofia giggled, her eyes gleaming mischievously. "I'll deal with the consequences later."

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