15. Chapter Fifteen.

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Dimitri's POV

As Rena slept peacefully in my arms, I couldn't help but marvel at the way she was managing to worm her way into my life.

I had always been a solitary man, content to keep my own company and avoid the complications of romantic entanglements.

But something about her had made me let my guard down, and now here I was, allowing her to sleep in my bed after just one night together.

I carefully shifted her weight onto the bed, taking care not to wake her as I observed her sleeping form.

It was then that I noticed her preference for cuddling, something that had become all too apparent throughout the night as I was constantly woken by her trying to tightly attach herself onto me.

Despite my initial discomfort, I had eventually grown accustomed to her touch, finding solace in the warmth of her body against mine.

As I gently brushed the back of my palms against her cheeks, I couldn't help but notice the way her skin was still tinged red from our earlier activities.

A small smile played at the corners of her lips as I watched her sleep soundly, her chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm.

Despite my reservations about getting too attached too quickly, I knew that I was already beginning to have feelings for her. And as I lay down beside her, feeling her body mold to mine, I knew that there might be danger to this intimacy between us.

Her small breathing's mimicked a quite contented person and I would've woken her up for the fourth time and take her if she wasn't exhausted from my onslaught on her body.

I felt the need or need to protect her for unknowable reasons, which was more than wrong. It's possible that the fact that I had obtained the purest form of her had something to do with it, but either way, it wasn't good.

After noticing shadows outside my door, I went to the door, opened it, and went outside. In the dead of night, I was perfectly aware of who was standing in front of my door.

"Non riusciamo a trovare Rena purtroppo, eravamo appena partiti e siamo tornati per scoprire che non era nella sua stanza e ora non abbiamo idea di dove possa essere."

(We're unable to find Rena unfortunately, we had just left and came back to find that she was not in her room and now we have no idea of where she might be.)

"I gave you two a basic task," I repeated, my voice low and steady. "A task that was so simple, anyone could have done it. All you had to do was safeguard the girl, and yet you chose to leave her unprotected. This is a clear indication that you are not ready for anything simple, much less significant." I shook my head, my disappointment palpable.

As soon as the words left my mouth, I could see the shock register on my younger brothers' faces.

It was not the first time that my brothers had let me down, but this was different. This time, their carelessness had put someone else in danger, and that was something I couldn't let slide.

As I looked at their wide eyes, I wondered if they truly understood the gravity of their actions.

"Give me one excellent argument," I demanded, my voice rising in frustration. "Why I shouldn't ship you both off to college, despite the fact that you both failed this small task?" I pressed both of them, my eyes piercing theirs.

The twins looked down at their feet, ashamed and silent. But I didn't let up. "You had one job," I continued, my voice shaking with anger.

"One job, and you couldn't even do that right. Do you have any idea how serious the consequences could have been? You put someone else's life in danger with your recklessness." I paused, taking a deep breath to steady myself.

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