5. Chapter Five.

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I pathetically watched as the hunk of a man sit upon me before tying my damn hands and legs together while making sure not to squish me with his weight.

I felt disgusted with myself and not because I felt pathetic that I could not stop him but because I felt completely turned on and I was blushing furiously everytime we were in this damn position together.

I despised the way he flung me over his shoulder like a sack of peanuts, as if I weighed nothing, and then had the audacity to slap me across the ass for being a bad girl while my poundings against his lower back passed through blasted deaf ears. Dimitri made it appear as though I was punching him with tiny baby fist.

Speaking to such an assertive and commanding man made me feel helpless; in some ways, it was like speaking to my father.

"This is not my fault Dimitri. There was no one outside. I even foolishly searched the damn place and yelled for you. There was no one. I thought you were gone, what the hell was I supposed to damn do?" Even after tying my hands and legs, he sat on top of me and continued to closely observe me.

It's my damn entire fault for scanning the area to see if anyone was there. Perhaps if I had been actually intelligent, I could have fled and been damn free.

"I attended an important gathering. In a short while, the maids will return to this place. If the purpose of this was to test your level of trust, then you have failed miserably." In response to what he stated, I scoffed.

"Therefore, being the understanding girlfriend I am, I should have stayed and waited on you." I sarcastically mocked him then blew a puff of air.

"What do you think your punishment should be Rena?" Dimitri spoke watching me intently as he sat opposite of me on the other side of the room.

"I am not your child that you can scold whenever you feel like it, Dimitri." I spat glaring at him.

Before he spoke, he glanced at me as if an idea had just suddenly come to him "You will be given two choices. If you opt against either of the two, you will be confined to my bed while restrained until I determine that you have learned your lesson." I gave him a sneer.

"And what kinds of punishments have you devised?" I inquired, knowing that it was something I would undoubtedly chastise.

"The first option is for you to be spanked ten times on the rare end." Dimitri's eyes scrutinized me and I scoffed.

"You touching me would be worse than being shot to death." Indignantly, I spat at him.

"The second would be for you to," He stopped gazing at me in silence.

"To what?" He was gleefully staring at me, and I wondered why.

"You won't be made aware of the second option until after you've decided to choose option number two." Dimitri made me aware which surprised me.

"You're an absolute pervert, Dimitri, and there is no way in hell that I will fall for your twisted shenanigans. To be with people like you, I'd prefer to be shot in the eyes and stabbed in the throat while having my flesh peeled off and fed to crocodiles." I made every effort to wriggle out from under his holds that bound me to his bed.

Dimitri stood up and moved cautiously in my direction like a predator, "It's your choice. It's only up to you little one. Having you tied against my bed until I can trust you won't go running off again is all the more fun too." The back of his palm slowly travelled from my face down to the base my neck while leaving trace of sparks everywhere his hand trailed.

His gaze followed his palm as I observed him. It then slipped over my shirt ever so slightly, making certain to linger over my perky but somewhat firm nipple.

His Princess To Claim✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora