30. Chapter Thirty.

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When I woke up, I couldn't think of anything more appealing than spending the entire day snuggled up in bed with Rena.

However, instead of being able to enjoy some quality time with Rena, I find myself dealing with a troublesome situation involving Russian mafias who have decided to foolishly interfere with my father's drugs.

It's frustrating to think that these people would make their own lives more difficult by causing problems for someone else.

But unfortunately, we have no choice but to deal with the situation and ensure that my father receives his drugs before he had to come for it himself.

You could say I might've been slacking off as well, the longer it took to retrieve my father's drugs then the longer it would take for me to go back home and more time to spend with Rena.

With determination, I loaded my gun alongside the other local gangs in town who had joined forces with me to retrieve my father's drugs.

Based on my estimations the Russians had a few more men than I did and since most of my men were in Italy I had to negotiate with some of the local gangs here.

As we made our way through the deserted streets, I couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding. The stakes were high and there was no room for error.

Even though I haven't made up my mind, it was obvious that after getting my father's drugs, I would have to return home and decide Rena's fate.

The idea of leaving her behind made me feel regretful, and it was also obvious that my feelings for her were quite strong; this is something that shouldn't have happened but did. Although I was aware that it was dangerous, I couldn't stand the idea of not having her.

As we approached our destination, I reminded everyone of our plan and stressed the importance of getting the drugs back at all costs.

The tension in the air was thick as we prepared to face off against our adversaries. Despite the gravity of the situation, I felt a sense of determination wash over me.

"I hope everyone follows the plan, I want that drug at all cost." I declared.

With that, we charged forward, our weapons held high, ready to fight for what was rightfully the Vikings.

To put it simply, our plan involved me and my allies heading straight to the section where my father's drugs was being kept, after forcibly entering the location.

Meanwhile a few more allies and Sofia, would hold off any potential attacks from the Russians, who had previously refused to relinquish our property.

Given that they had failed to comply with our demands, we were more than willing to reclaim what was rightfully ours, while also ensuring that the Russians never threatened us again.

With our determination and strategic tactics, we were confident that we could carry out our plan with precision and success.

As soon as we managed to infiltrate the Russians' hideout, we were immediately met with a barrage of heavy weaponry.

Although I was guarded by my most trusted men, I wasted no time in making a beeline towards the section where my father's drugs was stored.

Despite the intensity of the attacks, our team had equipped ourselves with an ample amount of bulletproof vests, which greatly reduced the number of casualties on our end.

In contrast, the Russians suffered a much greater toll as they struggled to keep up with our relentless assault.

Even though the situation was perilous, our unwavering determination and resilience propelled us forward, enabling us to soon overcome the odds and accomplish our mission.

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