16. Chapter Sixteen.

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Dimitri's Pov

After obviously hacking my lack on the door, Sofia was waiting for me as I entered my room, lying pretty seductively in my bed without any clothing on. Blood would have been everywhere if Rena had been present to change the outcome.

Rena's removal from my room and subsequent departure while dealing with Sofia irritated me, and I secretly wished the roles were reversed.

"I was beginning to wonder what was taking you so long," She tried to sound seductive in her voice, but to me it sounded more like a car shrieking.

I reached for her robe, which was lying on the ground, and threw it on top of her as I walked closer to her.

"Get dressed." I ordered her.

"Baby your no fun." She whined annoyingly.

"Your presence here to assist me in locating my father's container, not to be a nuisance." I spoke, my voice dripping with displeasure.

"Ci sposiamo comunque, Dimitri. Tu ed io dovevamo stare insieme. Presto diventeremo pazzi."
(We're getting married either way Dimitri. You and I were meant to be together. We're bound to get freaky soon.)

"Now or in the future, we won't be married. If you can't get that through your warped mind, then keep it to yourself and continue being a deluded person." I lit a smoke and took a draw while massaging the headache that had started to come from only having to observe her presence.

It was quite frustrating to deal with someone like Sofia. Even though she was pleasant, she wasn't the type I would like. Perhaps the similarity between myself and her was the cause.

Sofia was too trigger friendly and irrational and crazy. One of my father's best assassin. I mostly had the urge to shoot Sofia in the head hence my reason for drawing for a smoke whenever dealing with her to calm my urge of murdering her.

If I were to kill her, it would undoubtedly disappoint my father, but it was irrational to keep nagging me about marriage and gruesomely ask my parents' consent in the hopes that it would force me to wed her.

Sad to say, my threats against her have fallen on deaf ears, and I now have to deal with her intrusive presence.

As I sat down, Rena's image into my mind. I could already feel my blood pressure rising at the prospect of seeing Rena in my bed.

I wonder how she was doing as I hadn't seen her for an entire day. Hopefully the twins stayed heed to my warnings and stayed the hell away from her.

I kept thinking back to the many times I had taken Rena over and over again. The notion of taking her woman card, the luscious juice between her thighs, her lusty breathing, her seductive cry, and the purity of that moment made everything about it ideal.

Fucking more of her was what I desired. I desired something good, was that bad? Was it her being out of my reach that caused it?

Either way Rena was perfect.

I began to realize that I was becoming increasingly possessive of her and that I might even be obsessed with her. I had not felt this way in a very long time. She was unique, no doubt about it. Rena was exceptional in her own right and not just because she was royalty.

Walking over to me she starts pulling my at my shorts. Gripping at her hand I immediately pushed her away.

"Per quanto tempo negherai ciò che è mio Dimitri? Voglio ciò che è mio. O è per quella ragazza di cui ho sentito parlare? Devo farla proprio come ho fatto con l'ultima?"
(How long are you going to deny what's mine Dimitri? I want what's mine. Or is it because of that girl I've heard about? Do I need to do her just like I did with the last?)

Her unnerving statement causing my blood to boil. I took another puff trying my best to calm my rage.

"Everything you've heard is a lie," I lied.

"You must learn to discipline your intuition so that you don't make choas everytime your mind tells you something because it is highly volatile and frequently gets in the way for us. You've kept making these dumb errors, which are taking the lives of innocent people. We're not here to draw the attention of the law enforcement community for the murder of an Asentrix member." I put out my cigar.

"Dimitri, don't deceive me! You know very well that I'm right because I'm not a moron." She reacted angrily.

"I've heard a lot of rumors about this Rena you're currently using the twins to protect. If you had her imprisoned in your room for weeks, she must certainly be deserving of the protection. I was expecting to meet her in your room so we could have a decent discussion." She slid her fangs up my chest in a tempting manner to my annoyance.

I gripped her hand before pushing it away.

"She's no one. Just a simple stranger to me." I made an effort to diffuse the situation before it got out of hand because I knew how tenacious and persistent she could be.

"Since she is merely a stranger to you, you won't mind if I have a little fun with her, right? Get to know her and learn more about my rival." Before she could take a step away, I grabbed her hand.

"You are under my authority and will follow my instructions while I'm here. You won't touch her in any way. You will do what I fucking command. Am I being understood?" I instructed for her.

"Is that a threat Dimitri? Because I just love a damn good challenge! I've never seen you this protective of a mere stranger before Dimitri. I wonder if I put a bullet in her head how would that make you feel." I immediately gripped her throat tightly before slamming her against the wall.

Sofia clawed at my hand but wouldn't budge from her refusal to follow my orders. "The moment you lay a hand on her, I'll come for you. Your under my direct orders while your here. Do I make myself fucking clear?"

I struggled to resist the overwhelming want to kill her right now. In the end, after noticing her turning shade of red and having her eyes roll to the back of her head, I released her neck and watched as she hit the ground.

It was really difficult for me to deal with my father having a vicious pet who enjoyed murdering people for sport, especially without a leach.

She was entirely the antithesis of Rena. In contrast to Sofia, who was confrontational, hostile, sadistic, and occasionally insane, Rena was occasionally timidly shy but always virtuous, pure, passionate, and captivating which I noticed from afar.

With Sofia being here I just fucking knew things were about to get out of hand. She had a knick for causing unnecessary trouble, trouble I don't need at this time.

And since I went and irritated her, Rena will undoubtedly face more challenges as a result. I suppose I needed extra men to either keep an eye on her or satisfy Rena's request and free her.

I sighed, understanding that the prospect of letting her leave was upsetting me and that my emotions were getting in the way and causing me to think irrationally.

What the hell was Rena doing to me?

"C'è chiaramente qualcosa in questa ragazza. Che sia la tua infatuazione per lei o qualcosa che stai nascondendo, ma lo scoprirò Dimitri. Non mi tiro mai indietro davanti a una sfida." Sofia wheezed before chuckling and then walking out.
(There is clearly something about this girl. Whether it is your infatuation with her or something that your hiding but I'll find out Dimitri. I never back down from a challenge.)



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