9. Chapter Nine.

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Dimitri's POV

I simply knew that it would be very difficult to persuade my father to agree to my proposal, despite the fact that it would be in the best interests of my men, who ranked in only a moderate number and were unable to defeat the Russians, who appeared to be quite numerous in men and possess a sizable quantity of ammunition and weapons.

Given that Rena has been added to the mix, the situation will undoubtedly continue to deteriorate dramatically.

Deep beneath the surface, I knew she could be a serious threat, and letting her stay around for too long would only make things worse. Regrettably, Rena knew too much, so I have to act quickly to deal with her.

"Suppongo che il motivo per cui stai chiamando sia perché hai trovato il mio contenitore, sei riuscito a riprenderlo e stai per tornare a casa", ha risposto alla chiamata mio padre Federico, che sembrava pigro e come se si era appena svegliato dal sonno disse.

"I assume the reason you're calling is because you've found my container, managed to get it back, and are on the verge of returning home," Responding to the call was my father Federico, who sounded sluggish and as though he had just awoken from sleep said.

"I do have some news to share, but it may not be the news you want to hear, father." I informed him after overhearing him mutter a few profanities as he shuffled out of bed on the other end of the phone line.

"Say it now."

"I've discovered who stole your container." I informed him I was awaiting his reply.

"Se è così, avrebbe dovuto essere molto semplice per te raggiungere il mio container, quindi posso solo presumere che sia successo qualcosa di catastrofico ai miei prodotti farmaceutici poiché hai deciso di informarmi che hai trovato la mia cassa senza ottenere indietro. Sarebbe stato meglio se mi avessi fatto sapere che non avevi ancora localizzato i miei soldi. " Il padre ha concluso dicendo.

"If that's the case, it should have been very simple for you to get to my container, therefore I can only presume something catastrophic has occurred to my pharmaceuticals since you made it a point to inform me that you've found my crate without getting it back. It would have been better if you had let me know that you hadn't located my money yet." Father ended by saying.

"My observation indicates that it wouldn't be wise for us to take on the new gang with the few men that I have. There is a new gang in town. We should return home and devise a clever counterattack instead of...." Without allowing me to finish, I was abruptly stopped.

"Of course not; Dimitri, I could care less if a new gang has arrived. Dimitri, if you have to kill everyone and bring my fucking drugs home, then do it. That's how easy it is." He appeared irritated as he spoke.

"Sono russi." I said to my father that I could hear nothing but dead stillness for a few seconds before I could hear shuffle noises coming from the other end of the phone.
(They are Russians)

"Russian's?" In shock, Federico imitated in disbelief.

"Yes, the Russians are quite strong and well-armed, and they've also introduced new weapons to the market, weapons we haven't come against before. Besides this, given our current numerical disadvantage, we believe it would be best to reorganize and deploy an attack." I handed him what I believed would ensure the lives of my soldiers.

"I'll say it again: Definitely not. I want them to be eliminated, and I want my fucking pharmaceuticals to be reverting back to Italy. I want the messy problem to be resolved right away. Why not ask our many allies in Asentrix—of which we have many—to assist in removing those Russians from the area? My fucking mafia is not to be taken likely, I want an example made out of these Russians." My father suggested making me chuckle at his rants.

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