12. Chapter Twelve.

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I glanced towards the bottom of my bedroom door as I was starting to nod off and noticed that there was no shadow standing there as the commotion at my bedroom door seemed to dissipate.

The incessant squabbling between the two twins outside my door was what gave me comfort.

They weren't bickering now, which alerted me to the possibility that they weren't truly there at my bedroom door guarding it, and I was uncertain as to whether Sofia would enter quietly into my room and slit my neck.

This thought made me anxious.

I climbed out of bed and went to the door. Before bravely opening the door and discovering that no one was at the door, I waited a minute in silence, praying that opening the door wasn't a mistake and wouldn't lead to my death.

Shakily once I was outside the door, I decided there was no way I was going to stay in that room alone if nobody was watching it.

I made a cautious step in a certain direction. Thankfully, there was no thug standing guard nearby ready to kidnap me; I was well aware that, regardless of the clothes I was wearing which could get me kidnapped, I would not take the risk of returning to my room. There are a million possible outcomes that could happen throughout that time.

I hesitated before stopping at the door I was all too familiar with and putting my hand on it. Since I hadn't seen him in two days, I wasn't sure if he would turn me away or even remember me.

As I was about to open the door I drew my hand away immediately. What if Sofia was inside the room with Dimitri? The thought made my inside churn and somewhat disgusted. I then turned on my heels but stopped.

What if she isn't there and when I went back to my room Sofia was there?

Wasn't it better I took my chances with Dimitri's room? Even if Sofia was there would Dimitri let her harm me? Yes I think he would.

I slowly moved away from the door while keeping my hand on the handle, but the door quickly opened, shocking me, and before I had a chance to react, I was abruptly jerked inside as he closed the door. While his hand trapped me on both sides, I was pressed up against the door.

I was instantly overcome by his sweet aroma, which permeated every inch of my body. I looked up into his gorgeous, ocean-green eyes as they regarded me with an observant gaze; fortunately, the room was dark enough that he was unable to see me blush.

"How did you know I was outside your door?" I inquired, a little taken aback that he could tell I was standing there, but I quickly bit my lip.

He clearly saw my shadow, just as I did when I looked out my door and saw the twins.

How could I ask such a stupid question?

"Your rather tiny and delicate footfalls thudding to the ground are rather noticeable considering my men's heavy footsteps plus the fact that there was a shadow pacing back and forth outside my door proved that it was someone quite peculiar. I could also smell your unmistakable lavender and jasmine skincare products." My eyes widened, I was unaware that Dimitri even knew my scent when he spoke, so hearing those words made me flush.

How did he detect my scent from such a distance as well?

I tippy toed and glanced over his shoulder taking notice that the room was clear of any females before stumping down on my feet and staring back up at Dimitri who seemed to be quite intrigued with what I just did and I bit my lip.

"What exactly are you looking for my dear Rena?" I could help but feel things that I shouldn't after he said the words my Rena.

"N-nothing." I lied.

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