"No, I'm not going back." He shakes his head. "Ever. I mean, look around. We got everything we need," He stops and looks me in the eyes, "Right here."

"Aw, J..." I wave my hand playfully. "I love you, too but," JJ raises both of his eyebrows with a curious smile, "I have to be honest, I'd kill for a shower and shampoo right now."

"What?" He says in a high-pitched voice. "Your hair looks fine."

I let out a loud cackle that makes him laugh, too. "You're such a liar!"

My hair has been in a ponytail for the last six days, I think. Cleo, Kie and me are having a bit of a rough time. Curly hair does not like being on a deserted island. Blondie luckily survives, but try washing Cleo's hair in salt water. We would not recommend it.

"All right, all right..." Laughter dies down, and JJ puts up his spear. "How's yours looking?"

"It'll have to do, I guess."

"Okay, you ready to provide for the family?"

"I guess." I shrug. "Are you sure you don't want Cleo doing this instead of me?" I ask, scrunching up my nose.

"Cleo stabbed her own toe. She's out of the game." JJ says, standing up.

"Yeah, well, I'm not sure I'm gonna be any better but okay."

"That's my girl, always radiating positivity." JJ jokes. "Come on, let's go kill something."

"Jeez, you don't have to say it like that." I stand up and follow his lead to the shore.

"But that's exactly what we're gonna do!"

"It sounds awful, J."

"Well, that's the circle of life, Bee. Unless you want to eat coconuts forever."

"Fuck coconuts. If I see one ever again I'm throwing myself off that cliff."

JJ takes his shirt off, and throws it to the side. It lands on the sand, and we forget about it, stepping into the Caribbean waters. I'm trying to focus real hard on the instructions JJ and my brother have given me. I've never been one to go fishing.

"Okay, you ready?"

"As I'll ever be."

"All right, remember, watch your shadow. They see that, they're gone."

"Okay, got it." I say, gripping the spear with both of my hands.

"And your toes, watch your toes. We don't have the tools to perform amputations here." He smirks.

"Bold of you to joke like that when I could kill you with this right now."

"All right, sorry." He laughs. "You can do it. Just like we practiced yesterday, okay?"

I nod and focus on the water. I see small fishes moving around, but nothing out of the extraordinary that would feed seven people. JJ, on the other hand, starts calling my name and pointing at what seems to be a skate. We move an inch closer, and it draws its attention.

"He sees me! He's coming over by you!"

"Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck!"

"He's coming towards you!"

"I know, I see it!"

"This is it! This is the time!"

"J, I can't do it!" I've watched Finding Nemo too many times to be hunting for fish like this.

JJ splutters, and throws himself to the skate. Unfortunately for me, he misses it, and it leaves us with no other choice but me - because I've seen where it's gone. JJ is searching frantically for it and it takes everything in me to not cry and throw myself over to the poor creature.

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