Knowing Jin's past

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Author p.o.v.

When taehyung told the truth of kai to everyone he saw everyone is extremely silent but he felt a chilly aur below from his ear when he saw jk who is seating in his chair and looking extremely calm but they all know what kind of a monster he is when it comes to his love one and they don't know what he will do to kai. But jk do anything or say anything they saw namjoon beating kai near his death .

Namjoon p.o.v.

When tae told us whole truth we don't know what took over me and go to to kai where is he seated holding his arm and leg where tae shoot him and I quickly punch him hard in his face and ask him why he did this to my little brother but before I could do more I feel a punch in my stomach and I felt. I look towards the person who punch me but I got more shock when I saw yoongi infront of me and looking me like he wanted to kill me before I could ask him something he is beating shit out of me.

Author p.o.v.

When namjoon ask kai what his little brother do wrong to him everyone felt silent and look towards him back they could register anything before they saw yoongi beating him and didn't saw any kindness saw taehyung, jimin pull yoongi of to namjoon and hobi help namjoon to stand up from the floor. When this is happening jk seat in his chair with jin in his lap looking towards everything but he know that something namjoon did to yoongi that yoongi didn't acknowledge his presence and beaten namjoon this much before he could register or say anything tae , jimin and hobi separate both of them and then he ask Suga that he came alone to he took some members with him . Suga say he came with five more people so jk say to Suga that ask those people to take him to headquarter and make sure he will be treated his wound when we slove everything here we will come and give punishment to him . Then those five people come into his office bow towards them and take kai with them .

After they leave with kai jk ask everyone to seat and look towards  yoongi hyung and ask him why he beat namjoon hyung. Yoongi took last glance at namjoon at then look towards jk and give him the file that he is carried with him when he enter the room. When jk read the file he look at yoongi and ask him is that right or not. When yoongi say that it's original information about jin and his family. Kim seokjin is the son of Kim seojoon and Kim Rose. He is the youngest son of Kim family and kim namjoon is the oldest brother of Kim seokjin. But when Kim Rose is pregnant with jin Kim family is quite happy but they don't know about the truth of rose's pregnancy that her pregnancy is the high risk and he should stay of from any stress and work but she didn't told anyone about this and carry on the pregnancy but when she is in his last month of pregnancy a quite unaccepted things happen in there business and there rival groups attack them when Kim Rose and namjoon going out for a walk . They kidnap rose and namjoon and Blackmail Mr Kim if he want to safe his family he has to give his all business and power to them . But Mr kim go to taehyung's and your father and ask there help . They all made a plan and attack to the rival group . He safe namjoon first because he is in the other room . When he safe then he go to safe rose but it's quite late because rival group leader jorden already rape rose and when they saw them Mr kim quickly kill jorden and take mrs. Kim to hospital. But when reach there doctor told them they could only safe one person so Mr Kim told the doctor that he should safe rose but when doctor was conducting the operation they notice that mrs Kim is already dead so they tried to safe jin and its luck that jin was born but he is not a healthy child and he has to stay I hospitalised for some time . When doctor told them that Mr Kim is so much in pain that he give all the blame to jin and leave him there alone. He never look at jin when he is child or care for him at all. Jin is brought up by a maid in there family in leave in maid's quarter with them . He also do house chores in young age so that he could go to school. Cherry on the top which brother has to take care of and safe him from his father warth that brother also hurt him and bully him all the time and make his life a living hell. That is why kai help him and give him comfort he never complain or try to stop him because he has a fear that no one could love and care for him . So he Indore all of this without saying anything to anyone at all.

When yoongi told these things to everyone he turned towards namjoon and ask him in very serious and angry tone . Why namjoon why you do all those things to jin . You know that it's not his fault that your mother died it's her choice to carry this pregnancy or not. It's her decision that she would give birth to him and it's her decision that she remain silent and didn't talk about her pregnancy risk and health to you and mr Kim. What is the jin fault that he have to suffer all this in his life and suffering for all of this without knowing the truth. When yoongi saying this to everyone they all didn't notice that jin is waken up by all of the sounds they create and listen all of this silently with out saying anything to any one . When he know about the truth of hate he received to his father and brother he has no words to say and he don't know what he should do so he remained silent and listen all of this without saying anything to anyone. He only snuggle closely to jungkook chest and hide his tears that were threatened to fall. He don't know how to respond this kind of information in his life.

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