Signing contract

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Jk pov

After I deal with that fucker I go to my office where my assistant Lisa is waiting for me to come and attend my meeting . When I know my today's schedule I start my work so I will be free in time for my meeting with jin .

I continually doing my meeting and I am really tired but it's finally lunch time and after that I meet my Jin . One hour later it's time for my meeting with namjoon and my secretary already told me that the all arrive in meeting room and waiting for me. I hurriedly close my computer and went to the meeting room to meet jin and check on him if he is okay or not.

When I reach meeting room I clearly see jin. Jimin . Namjoon. Honseok are already seated there and discuss something but I also noticed that jin is  not talking to them . I clearly see that jin is quite effected with this incident and behave like he is ok in front of every one but his eyes tells that he is not happy or interested at all . After I observe Jin's condition I enter in the room and they all stand up and started greeting me my brother honseok come to me and hug me and whisper in my ear that I should take my eyes form jin he is okay but I clearly see that jin is not okay he is just pretending infront of everyone so that they all not worried about him. After my brother namjoon come to me and shake my hand I also congratulate him once more for his engagement to my brother and I hug him. Then jimin and jin also greet me.  After that we started the meeting.

Honseok p.o.v.

When jk come in the meeting room I clearly see that his attention is clearly on jin and he look concerned about jin . I assure him that he is ok but I clearly see that he is not believe and only looking at jin . I clearly see that my brother is whipped for jin it's very rare that my brother has interest in jin . I know jin very well that he is a very kind hearted person and pure soul but I quite don't understand why joon don't like jin whenever I mention jin infront of him he change the topic and his mood also spoiled after seeing jin . I don't understand that I sometimes question joon about what his relation with jin but he clearly decline that he has no relationship with jin and they don't know in there personal life but I always seen some longing feeling in Jin's eyes whenever he seen joon that is why I always stay with joon whenever jin and joon meet  I don't want jin take joon away for me. I also know that jin is not that  kind of person but I can't take risk with joon i truly love joon and want joon always in my life.

When we all sattle down in over seat joon and jk started the meeting and discuss the details about the product and what kind of theme they want in there promotion and there main target of customer and many other things. Then they discuss about the clothes design with me and I  sign the contract with them . Then they also discuss with jin jimin about photoshoot and venue details and there shedule after there agreement of term and condition they also sign the contract with them. In inter meeting jk focus only on jin and he can't his eyes of jin I  clearly see that my brother is whipped or I may say fallen In love with jin . But I have to discuss this with jk first that he should serious about his feeling or not I don't want jin heartbreak because of my brother because he is purely soft hearted and he don't know that my brother is not only a business man but also a Mafia king while joon is second in Mafia world . I know that joon is involved in Mafia but I already fallen in love with him so I have no choice.

After the meeting we all decided that we should celebrate and we all agree for the dinner but I clearly see that jin is not comfortable about going in dinner while he could deny jimin told everyone that he has one friend who he want everyone to meet and we all should come to this dinner after that he leave for his photoshoot and after sometime me and joon also told them that we are going and jin says he is also going but jk stop him by holding his wrist and ask him he is ok and forgot about last night incident and he say he is ok but jk didn't leave his wrist and he frowned his reply and pull jin towards him and place his hand to his forehead and frowned even more but didn't say anything and took jin bridal style and leave the room making me and Joon confused. After awhile we also leave jk office building.

In car joon ask me if jin and jk in a relationship or know each other. I only say that I don't know about anything but he ask me that something happened to jin last night when we announce over engagement party and I say I forgot to tell you that jin is almost raped but likely jk come in right time and beat the shit out of him but jin had panic attack after that so jk take him to his house. When I told that what happened to jin I clearly see something that I don't like it but I didn't say anything about him . I clearly see concern and worry took place in his face but after sometime emotion less face that over his palace and he started driving but he didn't utter a word and take me to my office and left me there without saying anything. I clearly see that he is quite affected what happened to jin but I didn't like that much concern and worry about jin who is nobody to him I am quite hurt by his sudden behaviour but I didn't say anything to him and take turn to my office.  

After sometime I message joon to ask him that he is going to pick me up for dinner or not and he simply reply that he pick me up and go together with me to the dinner and I reply ok and start my work.

J.k. p.o.v.

After jimin left I ask jin he is or not but when I touch his wrist it's quite hot but when he say he is ok I couldn't hear him my only concern right now is he is ok or not so I pull him towards me and he surprise by my sudden behaviour but didn't say anything I place my hand in his forehead and check his temparature but I frowned and look at him he is having a high fever and acting like he is fine. I didn't ask him anything because I know he reply that he is ok not he is not having a fever so I do what I feel right I took jin bridal style in my arms and held him near me and leave the room and took him to my office room where I have spare room . In my way of office I could clearly see that jin is not quite comfortable of those stares he recieve from my employees and hide his face in my chest that I find quite adorable but I also give deadly glare to my employees who clearly forgot about there work and looking towards us . When I reach near my office I called Lisa and tell him that he called my doctor and told him to come to my office in ten minutes ans she look at me that I have two heads but I ignore her and enter my office room and place jin in bed and take seat near jin .

After sometime doctor arrive and check Jin and give him some med so that he can sleep peacefully and his fever will reduce. Then doc ask me to come outside to discuss something about jin health with me so I told him that I will come outside in a minute. Then I approached jin and told him he should rest I have some work to do so he should rest till then. Then I come out of the room and saw doc setting in front of my desk when he saw me he gave me smile and greet me. I just hug him because he my friend afterall . When we take seat I saw his concern face so I ask him what is the matter he gave me a tight lipped smile and ask me seriously what is the realtionship between me and jin. I told him we are just friend and today he come to my office to sign a contract with me. But then he look puzzled and ask me if I know his family or not I told him I don't know his family if anything serious with his condition. Now my heart is beating fast . I asked him little afraid and tremble voice is he ok or not. He say that he is ok with phisically but not emotionally . He should meet with a consultant. I feel like he is hiding something and this thing is suffering him mentally. You should take him to a consultant and make him as much as happy you can make and give love to him he seems like he has never given any kind of affection and love. So take care of him and treat him right. I feel like you have fallen for him just love him with your whole heart don't hurt him I feel he is weak by heart. After saying that he left for his office and I go to jin to check him. I saw him sleeping cutely.he is looking like a cute hamster who is cuddling with the blanket in his hand. I saw him and went towards him and take blanket from his hand and covered him properly.then I kissed his forehead and went towards my office desk so I can work but I didn't close the gate which join my office and this spare room so I can watch jin and take care of him .

I continually working when I glance at jin I saw him sleeping fondly and I  continue my work.

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