first meeting

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Jungkook p.o.v.

Next day I come to the restaurant where we decided to meet. I am to excited to meet with Kim seokjin that I want to come early to meet with him but my meeting is taking a long time that take me 30 minutes and I arrive late. When I arrive I am looking for Kim seokjin but I couldn't see him . Then my best friend park jimin came to me and take me to over table. Where I meet with namjoon and I apologise for my late coming and explain him why I came late. Then I ask him about Kim seokjin but I couldn't ask him directly so I interoduce him with jimin and told  him about over relationship and then ask him about over model Kim seokjin where about. Namjoon told me that he couldn't arrive at the lunch that is upsetting me and I lost my appitate. Then we all order over food .After some more discussion about project I want to make a reason to leave . When I am going to say my reason to leave namjoon stop me and ask me if I want to go with him and meet with seokjin . He says that he has a photoshoot that is why he couldn't arrive to this meeting. He ask me to go with him to meet him . I agree with his idea then we all three quickly finish over food and he order a kimchi with fried rice for a takeout . I want to ask him who did he order but then I thought we both not that close to ask that type of question so I remained silent. And then three of us   take my car to drive over next destination.

When we arrive at the photoshoot location I saw seokjin doing his work. His manager come to us and ask if we want to wait him in his vanity van but we all stay here to see his work. After some time he finish his work. When he ce to us he takle by his fans then he give them his autograph and clicking some photos but there is a group who caught my attention who try to touch him. There is some guy who try to kiss him during clicking some selfies with him . I saw him who very politely declined him but then he use force to kiss him in lips. I saw crew and security who didn't help him there my patience lose and then I go to him and take his hands in my hand and pull him towards me. At sudden pull he lost his balance and landed in my chest I hold him very firmly in my hand and secure him with unwanted touch . When he is in my arm I felt huge arge to protect him with all kind of danger and this selfish world, I want to give him all kind of happiness and love. My chain of thoughts were interrupted by the sudden pull over him when he stable his balance and pull him over me looking towards the crowd who were removed byy security guards and there is only crew members, his manager,namjoon ,jimin and me left. Then he thank me and went straight to namjoon and give him a hug and ask him about his food . He gave him takeout that we took for that restaurant. Then he greet jimin also . Then namjoon introduce me to seokjin. And he invite all three of us to his vanity that we kindly accept it and went to his vanity.

After seeting in his vanity we discuss about the project and ask his opinion about it . He agree with us after some arrengement. We decided that tomorrow we sign the papers in my company both of them agree with this . He then thanks me to save him with those pervert fans. And then we three of them take over leaves. I drop namjoon to his company because we three take my car that is why I drop namjoon to his office and me and jimin go to my office for some talk.

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