save the Beauty

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Jungkook p.o.v.

When jimin ask me if I want to leave my one part say that I should leave but my other part say that I should stay and talk to seokjin. So I decided to stay and ignore taehyung. I tell jimin let's stay and enjoy this evening, ignore unnecessary people.

Then we both settle down in over chair and I greet hyung and seokjin. Seokjin looking at with shock experience and says that I took a wrong seat hobi hyung' s brother and his friend will be arrive here soon so I should leave this seat and take another table. All of them laugh after hearing him and hobi hyung says that I am his younger, adorable bunny brother kookie. He then apologise about his mistake and all of them says that it's ok nobody knows that I am his younger brother. And then I ask hyung about his relationship with namjoon hyung . He says that it's okay and namjoon hyung propose him . I congratulate him and looking towards seokjin whose facial expression has change. He looks like he don't happy hearing this news but he didn't says it instead he order his drink and went to dance floor. Whole night I am looking towards him then teahyung came to me and says that if I am trying to take jin away from him I should step back because jin belong to him. These sentence make my blood boil and I clam myself down and ask did you both guys dating each other or you are married. He says that neither of us but soon they will date . Than I say that currently he is single and I am also single so let's compete with each other in the end seokjin choice one of us and then this person is winner. Teahyung agree with me but he says that don't act in public became of his reputation and I agree with his thoughts . Then his phone rang and he go to take his call and I return to look for seokjin and I couldn't find him so I thought he go to Washroom after some time when I didn't find him I look around for him and ask hobi hyung about seokjin and he says that he also don't know where is seokjin is. So we all for seokjin together .

When I am near the Washroom I hear some noises and I clearly says that it's seokjin voice but I couldn't identify. When I hear sniffle noise I rash towards the Washroom . When I open the gate I feel like my anger explode and I will kill this person . This person is trying to fuck seokjin in washroom. Seokjin is shirtless in there and his pants belt is loose and this person try to remove his pant but I stop him and beat him to death. Then I go to seokjin but when I come near seokjin I hear footsteps of people so I go back to the Washroom door and lock it. Then I took out my phone and dial hobi hyung number and ask him to clear the back door way he ask me about seokjin and I explain all think to him . He says that he will clear all surrounding with the help of jimin and tae. And I cut the call and went to seokjin and pick his shirt which were on the floor and put it to him. Then I remove my jacket and cover him. He then immediately hug me and cry in my arms. I didn't try to stop him and let him cry in my arms. When I received hyung message that back door way clear I ask seokjin to go with him but he didn't try to stood up so I have no choice then carry him bridal style to my car.

When we arrive in my car I try to seat him in back seat but he didn't let go of my collar so I have to Sattle with him in back seat where I seat in the seat and he seat in my lap and hide his face in my chest and cry whole heartedly. I ask my driver to put a back frame so he could not see any movement in back seat and ask him to drive. When we reach at my house I took seokjin in bridal style to my bedroom and clean him up and change his clothes so he could fall asleep but during all this time he didn't let go my shirt . When I am good to tuck him in bed he ask me to sleep with him I try to remove my shirt to his hands but he grab it titly and again requested me to sleep with him. I say that I need to change my clothes and then I will come and sleep next to him he remove his hand to my shirt and I go to Washroom and take a shower and come back to my room where I meet seokjin who is waiting for me to sleep. I silently went next to him and slept next to him . When I led beside him I pull him towards me he flick but soon recover and hug me back.

After some time he fall asleep but I couldn't fall asleep because of the incident which happened to him in club washroom. If anything happened to him I couldn't forgive myself. Then suddenly I remember that guy who try to rape seokjin I took my phone and ask my mafia friend yoongi to catch him and I will take care of this matter with my own hands. Yes I am also a mafia leader but I didn't take my own hands in any matter but this case is matter of my own love so I have take this case in my own hands and kill him. After telling him all the details I ask him to investigate about seokjin childhood also. After some time I again look at seokjin who is asleep in my chest . I took my hands near his face and wipe his tears with my thumb who is crying in my chest while asleep. Then I say some relief lines to him and I promise him that I always save him with all kind of danger and never let anyone to hurt him. After some time sleep take over me and I fall asleep beside him.

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