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Jin p.o.v.

When I wake up in morning I saw whole black room and a hand wrap in my waist. I try to remove the hand of the person but I couldn't my head is hurting and I feel my thorat is dry I want to drink water. I try to remember what happen in the club and I know that I am very sad to know about the news of my brother engagement with another person. That is quite hurtful for me because I meet my brother today and talk to him various think but he didn't tell me about his life important think . I know he didn't like me that much but I have that right to know about his happiness. But I couldn't say him anything so I just went to drink to forgot about anything. When I am drinking I want to use washroom so I tell hobi that I am going to Washroom but I didn't notice that there is one person who follow me all the way to washroom he try to kiss me and sex with me . I try to free myself to him but I drink that much that I couldn't fight with him so he open my shirt and throw it and try to remove my pants but he got interrupted by the sudden door open I try to look for the person but I could see anything about him he throw a punch to that person's face and beat him till he lost his senses . When he try to come to me suddenly he stop and go back to door and lock the door and take his phone out and dial some number . Later he come to me when I saw his face I quickly hug him he is  none other than Jungkook.

Jungkook ask me to stood up so we can leave the club but I have no strength to stood up and leave with him so I didn't say anything to him but he understand me and carry me  bridal style to his car . When he try to sit me in his car back seat I refused to leave him so he has no other option than sit with me where I sit in his lap. I remember whole think that I have done to him previous night that I ask him to sleep with me. When I remember all those think I feel like my face is burning and my face and ear turn to red for this embracement

After some time I feel like his hand that is holding my waist is tighten up and he suddenly pull me close to his chest and I feel his breath in my neck and suddenly he greet me good morning and I hesitate to reply to him so I only say to him m----mo---morning.

Then he remove his hand to my waist and flip me towards him so now I am facing him him . He look very concerned about me and he ask me that I am ok or not I tell him truly that I want to take a shower because I feel like I am smelling like him and I feel his touch all over my body . Then suddenly he stood up and says that he would prepare for my shower but then I hold his hand and apologise about my behaviour to him and also the all trouble that I create for him . Then he seat on the bed and take my face in his hand and wipe my tears with his thumb and tell me that it's his duty to save me and I didn't create any trouble to him . Then he ask me if I want to friend with him. That I kindly took his hand and say it's my pleasure to be friend of you.

After some more talk suddenly his phone rang and his facial expression change but he quickly change his expression and told me he prepare my bath I should take shower then we can have breakfast together then he took his phone and went out to the room. Then I quickly went to shower and rub my body like I peel my skin of to my body and I cry my whole heart out. After some time later I put my clothes and went out to the bathroom but I saw room is empty so I went out of the room to search for the Jungkook and I meet him in the kitchen where he prepare for over breakfast he quickly greet me and ask me to seat in the dinning table he quickly serve breakfast to me . After some time  we silently eat over breakfast after the breakfast he told me that he drive me to my apartment I want to refused him but he tell me that he want to go to the company also so he could drop me to my apartment. So I agree with him .

When we sit in his car he remained me about the afternoon meeting with him and namjoon. He ask me if I am not ready today he cancel that meeting to me and reshudeld the meeting for me . But I don't want to make about trouble for him so I agree with him that I am fine and I will attend the meeting. Then he drop me to my apartment and leave for his office and he also give me a security company card for better bodyguards for my security that I took it for him and reassure him that I will contact to this company to my new bodyguard. Because I fire my previous bodyguard so I must hire some new bodyguard for my security. And then he leave to my palace and took his leave to his office. After arriving to my apartment I went to my bed and check my phone if my brother call me or not but there he  didn't even bother to call me about his engagement party. I got notification about the Kim namjoon and Jeon honseok engagement ceremony news by the media . When I call my brother secretary Lisa to invited guest list I check my name in hobi hyung guest list my own brother didn't even invite me to his engagement ceremony. So I decided to I don't go to his ceremony if he didn't want my presence in his engagement ceremony so I should not go to his ceremony. Then I turn my phone in silence and went to sleep for some time.

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