Mrs. Jeon became agitated as soon as Lisa brought up this subject, so she threw rude remarks at Lisa...

Lisa smiled coldly, "What disgraceful thing did I do?"

"You're disgraceful for seducing my son, how can a girl as young as you know how to seduce someone like that? You and your mom are two peas in a pod."

"But isn't seducing a man a kind of talent? If you hadn't seduced Jungkook's father, would he really have married you?"

Mrs. Jeon's expression changed as she pointed at Lisa and cursed, "You little bitch, what do you think you're talking about? Do you think that established families like mine with a great reputation would be the same as a lowlife like you?"

"Who knows, you may seem all high and mighty, but the things that you do are mean and shameless. At least lowlifes like me don't do things behind others' backs. I categorize people like you as 'those who look fine from the outside but are actually rotten on the inside'." Lisa stared at Mrs. Jeon as she enunciated each word.

"Stop this nonsense, I'm telling you, I don't care if you and my son are married, the Jeon Family will never recognize you, stop fantasizing!"

Lisa shook her head, "No, you're wrong. The truth is, I don't care if the Jeon family recognizes me, that's not important to me. I only care whether Jungkook and the law recognizes me. Just to let you know, we didn't even get a prenup. If I sue for divorce right now, I'd probably get half of the JC empire... Tsk tsk... That's a good idea."

Mrs. Jeon's face turned pale white upon hearing Lisa's remarks...

She knew that her stupid son would never get a prenup before he married her.

That means that if they got divorced, Jungkook would have to give her a sky-high alimony, or even half of everything he had.

"See? I knew it, you don't even love Kook, you are with him for our money. You've finally revealed yourself, haven't you?" Mrs. Jeon scolded Lisa's love for money and was so furious her face almost turned purple.

Lisa answered slowly, "It's none of your business whether I love Jungkook or not, I don't have to prove it to anyone. It's also none of your business if I love money or not, I don't have to explain anything to you. You seem to despise me, don't you?"

"I hate you... You're the most hateful woman on this earth." Mrs. Jeon stared at Lisa with disgust, not concealing her true thoughts at all.

"Therefore... your hatred towards me gave me a better idea." Lisa smiled.

"What idea? Don't you just want to divorce my son and take his money? We have our own legal team, you won't get what you wish." A bad feeling crept up Mrs. Jeon's spine when she saw Lisa smiling; she knew that she wasn't as simple as that.

"No, I originally did want to do that, but I suddenly changed my mind. If you hate me so much, then I'm not going to get divorced. Not only that, I'm going to live with Jungkook for the rest of my life, right under your eyeballs. You won't be able to get rid of me and can live the rest of your life in agony. I think that's the best outcome for someone like you."

"What did you say?" Mrs. Jeon's pupils dilated in disbelief after hearing what Lisa said.

She was shocked that a seemingly weak and feeble girl like Lisa would say something so vicious...

To Mrs. Jeon, Lisa was a horrifically vicious woman...

They had crossed paths a couple of times seven years ago, but Lisa never said anything to this extent.

Even when her stepfather died, she never really blamed or cursed at Jungkook's mother.

After all, back then, she felt like she was the one responsible, so she was extremely guilty and blamed herself for everything.

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