[29] A Tainted Night

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Shoto was patrolling the streets of Hosu City with his father when the worst thing possible screeched: a nomu being beaten by Pro Hero Mirko

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Shoto was patrolling the streets of Hosu City with his father when the worst thing possible screeched: a nomu being beaten by Pro Hero Mirko.

"That's because I'm a hero," his father answered when asked why they - the Todoroki pair - are in Hosu particularly.

Looking back at their more in depth talks after clearing out the Harmony issue, Tsunayoshi had a point. What did make one a hero? Shoto didn't - couldn't see Endeavor as anything hero-like. His actions, his words, the way he lifts himself up condescendingly. It was morally debauched. Being hailed a hero without any heroic morality... god help him for bashing the man, but Shoto doesn't know what to call that aside from being a total hypocrite. No, wait. Enji Todoroki is dead. The man living in his house is Endeavor, and Shoto doesn't know him aside from his hero persona.

Shoto heard a faint "like I would" shout from somewhere, which sounded very like their stiff glasses classmate. He looked around to search where the voice would have come from. He noticed Bakugo beside Mirko, arms crossed over his chest and a scowl gracing his face.

He silently padded his way through to the angry boy. "Hey," he called.

"What do you want?"

Shoto was feeling brave. "Let's ditch these 2. I have a feeling the Hero Killer is near."

Bakugo's eyebrow twitched. Then he smirked. "Take the wheel, then."

Shoto ran off to the direction where he heard Iida's voice. And sure enough, they saw a man about to plunge a jagged sword on their classmate's fallen body.

The man was wearing dirty clothes, and had a bloody red scarf draped over his neck. Oh, it was the Hero Killer Stain alright. If they ever get so much as to buy their time enough for Endeavor to realize Shoto was gone and look up his gps, he'd realize it was Shoto who found who he was looking for. He'd surely be pissed off by the fact alone.

Bakugo was fast to react. He used explosions to propel himself fast to intercept the stabbing. He grabbed Stain's shoulder and threw him away with another couple of blasts.

"Bakugo-kun... Why?"

"Ain't doin' this for you, sucker," Bakugo grunted. "Get the fuck outta here."

"I... Can't..."

"What do you mean you can't?" Shoto asked as he kneeled down beside Iida.

"Todoroki-kun?" came in Iida's surprise. "Ever since he's cut my body, I've been paralyzed... Must be his quirk..."

"Half-and-half, there's someone else there," Bakugo growled. "Take Glasses there and keep them safe. Try to call for back up, I don't care who. I'll handle Stain."

"No!" Iida shouted. "This got nothing to do with you. Don't get involved. This is my fight!"

"What, you greedy now that you want recognition for taking the Hero Killer down?"

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