"Oh my-." Yeonjun paces the kitchen floor. "What the fuck?!" He's in disbelief.

Then he isn't.

He's ecstatic.

"What the fuck?!" He laughs as he picks his phone up. "Oh my God."

The young lawyer scurries around the house, grabbing his keys and putting his shoes and coat before running out the door.

He locks it behind him before jogging to his car. He gets into the gray vehicle and throws his bag into the passenger seat.

As he drives a little over the speed limit to his job, he calls Harper's phone. He knows that she's at work and that's proven when her phone rings to the voicemail.

"Hey, Miss Taylor, good morning. It's Yeonjun Choi, your lawyer. I'm sure you already know that, you've got my number. I'm calling because I'm on my way to my office right now but I've got some information about Jahlil that you really need to hear. It's urgent. He's been arrested but I'd like to discuss the details with you further. Please give me a call when you get the chance. Thank you."

He hangs up the line as he pulls into the parking lot of his job. He backs into a spot, managing to do it perfectly despite barely looking. He grabs his bag and his phone before heading into the building.

"Hi, Mrs. Loft." He greets the receptionist with a grin as he rushes by.

"Good afternoon, Yeon-. Wait, isn't it your day off? Why are you here?"

"On business!" He calls from halfway down the hall.

"Don't overwork yourself now, Mister!" She calls back.

"I'm not! I promise!" His keys jangle as he fumbles them around in his hand.

He puts the correct one into the lock and opens the door.

"Yeonjun." His boss, Mr. Fitzgerald, calls from his left.

He springs his head up and looks at him.


"I called you a couple times this morning." He puts his hands in his pockets. "You didn't see it?"

"Uh.. no, actually. I was sleeping. My girlfriend woke me up and I was eating breakfast. I was going to call you after."

"Sleeping through phone calls from your boss isn't really a professional thing to do, now is it?"

"Well it's my day off... so...." Yeonjun's eyes shift away from him then back again.

"Yet here you are. Though, I'm glad you're in. There's some things we need to discuss." The man claps him on the shoulder and leads him into his office.

Yeonjun walks to his desk and sets his bag down, confused as to what they could possibly have to talk about. It's not too often that anybody else at the firm really speaks to him outside of meetings or briefings.

Everything feels so cliquey all the time and Yeonjun has just learned his place in the hierarchy. Not that he has any attempt to actually climb it.

Healing Harper-MYG✔️Where stories live. Discover now