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I walked down the hallway with Zach, he was the only person I knew in Latin so we always sat and walked together. Zach is blonde, tall and slightly muscular. He has a confident vibe even though he doesn't speak a lot. I usually assume he just doesn't care. As we're walking to class I notice he looks like he wants to say something.

"What is it?"

"You like Elle."

"Well you got straight to the point."

"And you don't seem to be good at hiding your feelings either, huh?" he fires back.


"Sorry? Just tell me, okay?"

"Tell you what?" I ask.

"What you're planning to do."

"I'm not planning anything!" I responded somewhat offended.

"I didn't take you for one to ignore his feelings."

"Because I'm not."

"So you are planning something?"

"No! I mean I'm going to date her and stuff, but I'm not planning anything creepy, okay. You made that sound very perverted."

We enter the classroom and get to our seats.
"You seem awfully confident in your not-plan."

"Stop making it sound like that, and, I have my reasons to."

"Like what?"

"Believe me, she's not just a little crush."

"I believe you, but you're really not helping yourself by saying that." Zach says with one eyebrow raised.

"Just shut up, I don't even know why I'm telling you this."

"Telling me wha-"

He doesn't get to finish his sentence because Mr. White shuts him off.
"Should I bring you tea, some biscuits maybe?"

"That would be lovely.", I responded.

Mr. White only rolls his eyes and returns to what he was doing, he got us to shut up anyways.

When classes are over I walk to Manuel's car together with Zach.
He somehow managed to get out of me why I was so "upset" when I got back from my conversation with Elle during lunch and after making me tell him the entire conversation he decided he'd make me go to their house too.

"There's my boy, Zach. How are you?" Manuel greeted him.

"Good, good, I was just wondering if you'd wanna hang out after school?"

"Oh sure thing, Angel is coming over as well so you guys can tag along. If you want to, Damian?"

"Sure, ofcourse."

Zach winked at me as Manuel turned to Angel.
I didn't mind paying attention to their conversation because I sensed my mate coming. Elle's smell entered my system and after looking up my eyes immediately met with hers.

There she was, hanging onto Mia's arm. She'd apparently just said something funny because the girl was grinning from ear to ear.

The sweet smell got even stronger when she got closer and hugged her brother. I imagined wrapping my arms around her like that too and I felt warmth welling up in what might be my heart.

I vaguely registered Manuel explaining that Mia and Elle should drive with Angel while I could go with them, my wolf didn't even find the time to be jealous because all of a sudden my trance is broken by the shuttering of a camera, not a real one but the sound of an iPhone taking pictures.

I looked up to see Zach leaning over Manuel's car. He had his hands outstretched and was shamelessly taking pictures of my face.
How did I ever think he was shy?

"What?" I ask.

He turned around to show me the pictures.
"Look at you. You're staring at her."

"And why do I need to see a picture of that? I know what I'm doing."

"Look at your eyes."

I looked closer at my eyes to see my pupils had expanded to a point where the brown of my eyes was completely invisible.

"How can you be so obsessed with someone you just met, man?"

"Mind your own business."

"You don't want my help?"

"Help with what?"
If he says he'll help me stop liking her or whatever, I swear someone is not going home tonight or the night after that or ever.

"I can help you guys get together." he says instead.

"That would be awesome, if you're not going to fuck with me. "

"Do I look like someone who fucks with people?" he smilesand raises his arms.

"Nope, you seem like a virgin."
The smile falters and he lowers his arms again.

"Damn." he mumbles as he gets in the car.

I sit with Elijah in the back while Zach gets to be the passenger princess. We talk for a bit and soon we get to the house, a fancy beige building with two cars parked in the driveway. Elle and Mia get out of the one furthest from the house and I can just catch a hair clip falling from her bag, she doesn't notice though and gets inside unknowingly.

Twin Wolves - DamianWhere stories live. Discover now