"Tell me, Owl" Grisha says as he looks down, "what is this task left for my daughter and I?".

"It's to infiltrate the walls and retake the Founding titan" Eren says as he looks at Evelyn, "and Evelyn will be the one to retake the Founding titan. With her royal blood, she can access its full power. But in order to do that, Grisha. You must inherit my titan".

"What did you say?" Grisha asks in shock, "that would mean you...".

"I'll be eaten by you as a titan" Eren says as he looks out to the sea, "you'll take the Founding titan from its owner the same way, Evelyn".

"Why aren't you doing it?" Grisha asks as he looks at Eren.

"Those who inherit the power of the nine titans perish in 13 years" Eren explains calmly, "I inherited this titan 13 years ago".

--- present day ---

"The Owl called it 'The Curse of Ymir'" Eren explains as he looks at the wall of his cell, "the founder Ymir lived that long after her powers awakened, so it's only appropriate we live that long, too".

"I've got 13 years left" Armin says as he writes things down as he sits at the desk in Eren's cell, "and you?".

"Eight years left... not even" Eren says as he looks down.

"You're wrong" Mikasa says from the cell next to them, "this has to be a mistake. It's wrong".

"If one possessing the power of the nine titans dies without passing it on, the power is inherited by a baby yet to be born by a Subject of Ymir" Eren explains as he listens to Mikasa, "it's as if all the Subjects of Ymir are connected by something we can't see. On inheritor said they saw paths. The blood and bones that form a titan, and at times, even memories and thoughts are sent through those paths. All the paths cross at a single coordinate. In other words, that's the Founding titan".

--- the year of 832 ---

"Every single Subject of Ymir is connected to that coordinate" Eren explains as he looks at Grisha.

"Who was the found Ymir exactly?" Grisha asks as he looks at Eren.

"Under Marley authority, she's a pawn of the devil" Eren explains as he looks out to the sea, "during the Eldian Empire era, she was a miracle of God. Some day she touched the source of all living matter. Who's to say they're wrong? The only truth in this world is that there is no truth. Anyone can become a God or a devil. All it takes it for people to believe it".

"You're the one who said Dina had royal blood in her" Grisha says as he looks down, "was that a 'truth' of yours?".

"Unfortunately, Dina having royal blood is true, which means your daughter is a descendant of the Fritz bloodline" Eren says as he looks at Evelyn who looks confused about everything.

"Then why abandon her?" Evelyn asks angrily.

"Precisely because she had royal blood. I couldn't let the enemy have her" Eren says as he looks back at Grisha, "it had to be done before Zeke told Marley everything. Would she be better off giving birth to children for the enemy for the rest of her life? If Evelyn stays here and they find her, she will serve the same fate. I've done my duty. You do yours. Only someone with the power of the titans is capable of reaching the walls".

"To be perfectly honest, I don't think I'm fit for the job" Grisha says as he looks at Eren.

"You will do it" Eren says persistently.

"Look at that. He was eaten by a titan" Grisha says as he peers down the side of the cliff, "and you asked if watching that was interesting? It wasn't interesting at all. His screams of agony were unbearable to hear. I didn't know any better. If I had known this was the price of freedom, I wouldn't have paid it".

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