12- Night of the Battle to Retake Wall Maria

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The squad make it back to the headquarters as they spot Commander Erwin standing outside of Evelyn's room.

"Levi, Hange, what happened?" Erwin asks as she looks at the two of them, "she came in here running and crying? She's locked herself in her room and she won't come out".

"Evelyn, talk to me!" Eren says as he walks to her door.

"Go away, Eren. I don't want to talk about it!" Evelyn shouts from the other side of the door.

"Well tough shit. You're my family and what we've found out has to do with our family, so we're going to talk about it, so unlock the door, right now!" Eren says as he hits the door.

"Eren, stand aside" Levi says as Mikasa pulls Eren out of the way, Levi kicking the door through.

Evelyn looks up at them all, her eyes bloodshot and puffy.

"Evelyn, what's the matter?" Erwin asks as he goes over to Evelyn and he kneels down in front of her.

"I don't know who I am anymore, Erwin" Evelyn says as she starts to panic again, "I thought I was the daughter of Grisha and Carla Jaeger and Eren was my brother, but I was wrong. My name is Evelyn Jaeger and my Father is Grisha Jaeger, but my Mother isn't Carla Jaeger and my brother isn't Eren Jaeger".

"I'm still your brother. Half or not, we are still blood, so don't you dare abandon me!" Eren yells as he grabs her shoulders.

"How can you say that? You don't even know me. I'm some stranger that wasn't even born within the walls!" Evelyn says as she looks at him, "how can you look at me and say that I'm your sister?".

"Because you are!" Eren yells as he starts to cry, "you are my sister. Evelyn Jaeger, the one who raised me since I was little. The one who took the workload off of our Mother so she could get enough rest. You taught me how to read, how to write, how to fight. You taught me how to do everything I know. Only my sister could have taught me that. You killed people so I'd be safe. You took my friends in and you beat up my bullies older siblings. You protected me so I could grow and when I told you I wanted to join the Scouts, you didn't tell me no. You let me explain to you why I wanted to join them, and you never called me stupid for that dream. So don't give up. We're so close to getting all of your memories back. Everything will make sense after that, so come with me. Come back to our Father's basement and let's find out the truth together".

"Eren" Evelyn says as she wraps her arms around her brother, "I'm so sorry! I promise you I'll never leave you. I'm just scared. What if I don't like the truth of what I find out?".

"Then we think about that when it comes to it" Eren says as he hugs her tightly, "but whoever you are, wherever you come from, whatever you've done, I will never leave your side".

"That goes for all of us" Erwin says as he puts his hand atop Evelyn's head.

--- that night ---

"Sorry I'm late" Commander Zachery says as he walks into the room where Commander Erwin, Commander Pixis, Evelyn, Hange and Levi are all waiting for him, "well?" he asks as he takes a seat, "have we discovered what's in the container?".

"The thing is, with our technology, I'm afraid we can't dig much deeper" Hange says as they look at Zachery, "like we've heard from Evelyn, Eren and Historia, it seems to originate from some kind of body fluid. However, it vaporises when exposed to air, making analysis difficult. Whoever made it must have had technology far superior to ours. If it was the Reiss family, I can't imagine how".

"In that case, instead of tampering with it, we should use it to achieve our current objective" Commander Pixis says as he looks at the box with the injection in it.

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