Chapter 25: Conspiracy

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For the past few weeks, Mayday Parker has been going around the city, gathering as much clues of evidence about Makoto for True Judge so she can bring Makoto to justice and be arrested. However as she continues gathering evidence, she start to realise something big is going on.

To start she found files of every person who was sentences to life in prison but she realise these people were either rich companies CEO's or detectives who have been doing their jobs for years.

Then she found phone calls to mysterious people that seem odd and managed to hack into Makoto's phone and seen text messages to his mysterious boss. Things are coming together as we see her placing these onto the board which is mounted on the wall as she stared at the pictures and evidence as she thinks to herself.

Mayday: (thought) Okay it seems there is something going on here. Mysterious phone calls and text, detectives or CEOs being arrested on false charges and even sets of coordinations which go to different location within the city. All of these must mean Makoto is more then a corrupt lawyer but rather something else.

She continues to think about all of this and decided to take these evidence to True Judge as she take some and puts them into hee bag and once that heaf down stairs and into the living and called out.

Mayday: Y/n I'm gonna be gone for awhil-

She then noticed Y/n sleeping on the couch with Aoi also sleeping with him as she cuddle him. Mayday find this adorable so she pulled out her phone and takes a picture and once that she heads out to meet up True Judge at the park.

(Short while later)

We see Mayday arrived at the park and once there she look around for True Judge who says he'll be here and at first there was no one but then startled when a familiar voice said behind her.

True Judge: You must be busy.

She turn to see True Judge standing behind her like he just appeared out of nowhere.

Mayday: Well gathering evidence and clues isn't gonna take me a day or so.

True Judge: True. I hope you gathering enough?

Mayday: Yeah but there's also something else going on.

She open her bag and show True Judge the evidence as he look down at them while Mayday goes on to explain.

Mayday: Apparently he's apart of something big, very big. Phone calls, texts, locations, files, he's up to something big and that something is I don't know but it can't be good.

True Judge: I see. To start these locations are familiar. Take a good look at them, do you recognise these locations?

He show them the location as Mayday looks at them when a light ball turned on over hee head as she said.

Mayday: Yeah! Those are location when those bombs blow up from the ground.

True Judge: Exactly. He knew where the bombs were at and when they may blow up. Its clear he's apart of something but what.

Mayday: Wait a minute, Y/n mentioned that he was in Glen Wood, believing that one of the students cost the explosion just to make some sort of a point.

True Judge: It's clear that he's lying and taking the blame onto others.

Mayday: But why Glen Wood?

True Judge: Maybe because how these students there are being treated he wishes them to be blamed. Still I think I have something important.

Mayday: What's that?

He pulled out his phone and shows her the text as he explained.

True Judge: I've gotten this criminals text, it seems there is gonna be a meeting at the abandon warehouse and it must be important.

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