Chapter 15: A siblings visit

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We see the stadium as many people are gathered as the lights turns on with different colours flashing around while we see Sachiko and Hikari on stage as they start the show and sing in front of many crowd while the crowd cheers I  joy qhile on the second floor we see Y/n watching the show as he watch the two idol girls sing and dance which made him smiling knowing that his work along with the rrst of the back stage people have work perfectly.

He watch the show when Riri came up next to him and see that the show is going well.

Riri: (smile) We did a great job setting things up.

Y/n: (smile) Yep and the show is going well and the crowd seemed to enjoy it.

Riri: (smile) Agree. I'm so glad we work so hard, thank you for getting things ready Y/n.

Y/n: (smile) No problem Riri, just glad the fans are enjoying it including Sachiko and Hikari.

Riri: (smile) Yep. So what are you and Hikari gonan do after this?

Y/n: I promise her to take her somewhere to eat after the show.

Riri: (smile) Aawww so you two are going to a date after the show?

Y/n: (little blush) G-Guess you can say that.

Riri: (smile) Oh that is so adorable, it reminded me on my furst date many years back. Do you know that 15 guys ask me out when I was in high school.

Y/n: Well I think I may know why they want to ask you out.

Riri: (smile) Yep but anyways, enjoy the rest of the show and take care Y/n.

Y/n: (smile) You too Riri.

She left while Y/n enjoy the rest of the show and during Sachiko and Hikari's dancing and singing Hikari glance over to Y/n and wink at him which made him blush a little but smile back at her while the show continues and after a long while the show ended with the crowd cheered as Sachiko and Hikari bow as the curtains close while the crowd clap while Y/n smile and make his way to back stage.

Once there he move by several back stage workers who were cheering and high fiving while he reach to Hikari and Sachiko as Hikari hugs Sachiko while tell her.

Hikari: (smile) That was the best thing we ever did! It was perfect.

Sachiko: Y-Yeah can you please let go.

Hikari: Oh sorry. Silly me.

She let go while Y/n approach the two and said.

Y/n: (smile) Nice job you two. Bet the fans are gonna go nuts on the Internet after what they watch.

Hikari: (smile) Yep I can't wait for it.

Sachiko: Come on let's get change before we leave.

Hikari: (smile) Sure thing! We be right back Y/n~!

The two head off to get changed while Y/n smile and waited for Hikari to come as he check his phone and look through the news seeing that everything had been quiet.

Y/n: (thought) Huh there has been no crime for a while. Guess news about Spider-man has been well heard across this nation. But how long until crime will burst out from the shadows. Probably not for a long while.

Hikari: All done~!

He looked over to see Hikari walk up to Y/n changed by to her normal clothes.

Y/n: (smile) Ready to head out?

Hikari: (smile) Yeah I'm so hungry right now, let's get something to eat!

Y/n: (smile) Cool I know one place.

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