Chapter 1: Moving in to a new nation

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It was night time within a city as we look over to a building that belongs to a company called "Next Generation Inc" as we cut to a office as we see a man standing up qnd looking out of his window just looking at something while he gently move his wine around while the door behind him open and two men enter his office and walk up to his desk.

The two men were not normal office people, their like Mercenaries as the figure turns to the two men while he take a sip of his wine and throw down a file onto tge table in front of them while he tells them.

???: These are his kids. I want you to capture them alive, I will pay you a lot of money if you complete this job for me is that clear?

The men pick up the file and open it and read through the information and look at the pictures of the kids that their client is talking about. They whisper to each other until they close up the file and nod to him.

Once the two leave his office he turn back to the window wine still in his hand while we see him staring at a castle as he take another drink of his wine.

???: You didn't listen to me, I could have built a new future for this world but now.....your giving me no choice, sire.

(Next day)

The sun rises as we looked over to a house and we cut to a bedroom where we see someone underneath the covers snoring with his arm sticking out of the cover as his alarm clock start to go off.

He moaned a bit as he moved his hand to his alarm clock and try to hit the button but he hits around the alarm clock for a while until he managed to hit the stop button.

Then he moved the clock as he looks at the time to see it's 8:30 in the morning as there was silence for a while until he quickly sat out from his bed and calls out.

Y/n: Crap! I'm gonna be late for my first day!

He rushes out of his bed to get changed when he trips on a box and he fell face first onto the floor. He sigh as we see many boxes around his house because he jutted moved yesterday so it was the reason why he was soo tired.

Still he stood up and hurry to get changed as we see him putting on his shirt on, hop around while trying to get his socks and trousers as he fell a few times while putting them on. After that he puts on toast while he head to the downstairs bathroom to brush his teeth and once that the toast pops out and he grabs it and gather his stuff.

Once he load his school stuff to his bag he quickly exit out his house and shut the door behind him and lock it.

Y/n: Hope I get there soon.

He grab his skateboard while he puts on his headphones and playes a music on his phone while he ride his skateboard to his school hoping he get there just in time.

(Music start)

To all those wonder who this boy is and what is this large city? Well this boys name is Y/n Parker, a teenage boy who uses to live New York until he decided to moved to start a new life and this nation is a great choice since this nation is one of the greatest nation he ever lived. Everywhere he gose people greet him in the street like this whole city is his family and there have been less crime so this nation is very much peaceful because it's ruled by the King of this nation.

He ruled this nation for many years and there hasn't been any problems just as long he is here. He only know about who rules this nation nothing else. Y/n wants to start a new life because his family has a large history which he just want to live as a normal teenager boy living in a peaceful nation and making new friends while living here.

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