Chapter 24: A gift just for you

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Snow slowly falls from the sky, the street, roads and walkpaths were covered with snow as winter  has come and not only that but Christmas has come as well within the nation. Christmas decorations has been set up around shops, streets and homes as everyone is celebrating a bright jolly Christmas this year.

We then cut to Peter, Y/n and Mayday setting up theie decorations at their home as we see the trio finishing up setting up the decorations around the house and now they set up a Christmas tree with bulbs around it, candy canes and finally they placed a Christmas star on top of the tree just to finish their work.

The trio step back and look at the amazing tree they have done as Peter wrapped both of his arms around his two kids as he tell them both.

Peter: (smirk) Nice work you two, this is gonna be a great year for us.

Y/n: (smile) I think so as well.

Mayday: (smile) Same dad.

The trio smiled as they stare at the Christmas tree when their door rang which Y/n walked over and open the door to see Akane wearing a cute Santa outfit with a hot on her as she pulls out a gift for Y/n and said.

Akane: (smile) Merry Christmas Y/n~!

Y/n: (smile) Merry Christmas Akane and thanks for the gift.

She smiled while blushing as Y/n takes the gift as he let her inside to let her see their Christmas decorations they have set up as she look at their Christmas tree and it looks great.

Akane: (surprised) Whoa nice decorations you three set up.

Mayday: (smirk) Thanks. Bet your family did the same as well for Christmas.

Akane: Yeah, ours is very notifiable.

Soon after the four were standing in front of Sakurada home to see they went overboard on the decorations as it looks like a huge light show that could be see from out of space.

Then Souichirou, Satsuki and Aoi came out with the two girls wearing elf outfits while Souichirou wearing a Santa outfit as well but with a white beard and hat.

Souichirou: (smile) Hello there! What do you think aboit our decorations! Ho Ho Ho!

Aoi: (smile) Sorry if the decorations may annoy you.

Satsuki: (smile) We'll turn them off when night comes.

Peter: (smile) That's alright, you got some nice decorations Souichirou.

Souichirou: (smile) Thank you. Say how's about you all come inside and have some tea and cookies.

Peter: Sure thing, hey Y/n you go do your "thing" and be back as soon as you can.

Y/n: (surprised) You sure?

Peter: (smile) Yeah we're sure, go do your thing.

Y/n: Um okay? Sis, you wanna join?

Mayday: Sorry I have my own thing going on.

Y/n: Oh, Akane?

Akane: Sorry same.

Y/n: Okay then? Guess I'm off, see you all later.

He heads off to do his "thing" and as soon he's gone the Petee, Mayday and Akane rush inside with Souichirou so they can begin their plan this year.


At the mall, we see a line up of children wishing to see Santa for this year and wanna ask him what they wanted for Christmas. Then a female employee wearing a elf outfit was asking the other employees were the person who is suppose to be dressing up as Santa went.

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