★1 flight

231 40 7



It does have smuts. I may add some scenes but it is not a porn addicted story. I would give warning before some triggering scenes. Thanks and kindly read my story. hate the characters not me and english is not my first language and I'm not Australian.



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Made by me🌚

Insta - @tae_velvet.

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Crap, crap ,crap

,now I don't have that much time to describe when, how, why, I just know that I am late, freakin late, I roamed around the house to find my watch, that one precious watch I have, I still can't find it where the heck did it gone, agh, I'm going crazy, I literally forgot to set my alarm and here I am 2 hours late just three hours left for the flight,

I tried to find my watch but my clumsy ass isn't helping, I went in my bedroom and saw my watch and found the watch in my vase,


, I've no time to think about that right now, I picked up the vase to get my watch and It slipped from my hand and fell, holy moly, CLUMSY, my watch fell too, I tried to pick it up and got a piece of vase stuck in my skin, holy moly, I vigorously got it put, blood was dripping out from there, crap, I just ignored it and picked up my watch, atleast it's okay, the bruise was hurting, holy moly

I ran back to the Hall and wore my toms with very difficulty but still I wore them, I quickly picked up the burnt bread and shoved it in my mouth which tasted disgusting who cares I'm hungry, in no time, the taxi horn beeped, making me more worried, I rapidly shut down the whole house and picked up my 6 suit cases, only this house was left to shove in or else I have everything else, I hold my suitcases handle and pick up my keys, I closed the door and locked it, I finally ran towards the taxi

There I saw my best friend standing Andy, he vigorously came running towards me and gave me a lunch box,

"Eat it in the plane" He softly said wiggling his eyebrows

"Thanks" I replied giggling

"I'll miss you lolo" He said with pleading eyes

"Me too just manage it for five months then I'll be here back" I assured him

"Yeah yeah" He rolled his eyes and I chuckled

The taxi beeped again

"Holy moly I'm late, bye see you soon" I said holding my suit cases

"Let me help you" He advised

He helped me in placing the luggage, finally I sat in the car, I opened the window and he glanced at me

I FELL FOR HERDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora